AUTHENTIC BUKA STEW | 4 secrets you need to know to achieve it

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Here’s the list of ingredients used 1kg of beef offals 500g of ponmo 2 seasoning cubes (to boil the beef offals) 1 small sized onions …

2 replies
  1. AromaArenaTV
    AromaArenaTV says:

    Thanks for stopping by.
    5 secrets to getting buka stew right are
    1.Frying/burning out onions in the palm oil
    2. Frying some tiny locust beans in the oil. You can discard if you want after Frying because we only need the flavours
    3. Frying smoked catfish in the oil build up the flavour
    4. You must use the offals stock.
    5. Your tomatoes must not be sour


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