Attacking Re-Plant and Getting Attacked 😜

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We’re done! Re-plant 2022 is in the books (and fields.) Here’s hoping these beans come up because it’s last call. And not without …

22 replies
  1. Charlotte Stephenson
    Charlotte Stephenson says:

    Lawrence need a in the same shape as my dad. He is done with two knee replacements and his back is awful too. All those years in a tractor. Praying for his surgery to go well and he heals fast for everyone sake!!

  2. jbmbanter
    jbmbanter says:

    It's very obvious that you love to cook. It's special since you enjoy cooking, and you get to cook for a family that really enjoys it! Does anyone in your part of the country call the "seedier" a 'grain drill?' That's what we call it down here in Georgia

  3. bernard fontaine
    bernard fontaine says:

    Bjr petit coeur ta passé une bonne nuit et tes enfant il fait beaux chéri toi en Amérique ton copain Bernard pense à toi et tes enfant cette nuit je me suis lève à 9h du matin heur français ici beaux soleil se matin à carentan les marais base Normandie France p'tit coeur cher nous cette après midi il va faire 32degres petit coeur et jesperre tu viendra me voire à carentan les marais base Normandie France petit coeur ma chienne câline va bien passé une bonne journée pense à toi petit coeur bis de ton copain Bernard bis de carentan les marais base Normandie France petit coeur 💑💑💑💑💖💖💖💖💖💖et 🇨🇦🇨🇦🇨🇦🇨🇦et 🇫🇷🇫🇷🇫🇷🇫🇷🇫🇷🇫🇷

  4. Richard Wright
    Richard Wright says:

    Through these hard times when we're all being called upon to be strong and self-sufficient, and faced with adversity and bad circumstances, just remember that soon we'll be hearing the lovely buzz of the cicadas, the "heat bugs" of August. When you're feeling low, just close your eyes and think of yellow peppers, one of God's many wonders. At harvest time, when it's time to pick those yellow peppers, it's as if you're picking the "capsicum sum of the sun of one summer." Take care and God Bless. .

  5. Justin Mills
    Justin Mills says:

    I wish I could help to get your husband's farm work. So he can have the break to get through recovery. I have been through a lot of health issues and had to be in bed for to much. God bless

  6. Greg Grondin
    Greg Grondin says:

    I’m all in on sweet corn!! Can get enough fresh sweet corn!!! It’s hard to explain heat and humidity to someone that hasn’t lived and worked in it! We got plenty of it in south Mississippi!!!🥵🥵🥵


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