ASDA Instant Pot | Chilli

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Today i make a chilli in an Asda instant pot.

48 replies
  1. Danechip
    Danechip says:

    Tortee-ya if you wan't to sound Spanish. I love that crock pot jobby, I paid 15 quid in Wilco for just a high/low/warm one. Best £15 quid in Wilco was a rice cooker though and worth every penny. 2 scoops of rice and 5 water.(Basmati). FKN perfect all…

  2. poppie 98
    poppie 98 says:

    Chilli looks amazing Keith, I've never heard of or seen a instant pot before, i must get one,,,,,it was great you explained how the pot works and how it can thicken up liquids, thanks for another great video 👍

  3. wendy
    wendy says:

    Looks lovely ! I really want one off them instant pots bug I know I would end up steam burning myself , I would forget 😆 I'm safer with a pan lol

  4. David Jones
    David Jones says:

    Awesome as always great vid sir, looks so awesome 👌
    One thing about this channel is???? You always comment back so thank you 👍
    Hope Nats good all the best both

  5. Ice Eyes
    Ice Eyes says:

    That chili looks amazing! I love how you make meals that we can all do and are delicious! Thank you for having this channel! Much love to you and Nat ♥️

  6. Kim Collins
    Kim Collins says:

    Keith definitely hungry now after seeing that chilli looks tasty, I've changed since Saturday the way I'm eating as normally eat 2 o'clock in the morning sensation crisps large packet because don't sleep snickers 2 bars as so small but when tried get jeans on which haven't worn only went to waist struggling don't want to go bigger so eating earlier nothing else its hard want to be size twelve again as being out breath not feeling great sending love Nat, ♥️😋😋😋

  7. lisa
    lisa says:

    That chili looks the bomb 👍Ive always been scared of pressure cookers since cooking with them at school in the 90's 😂 That is now gonna be my nxt purchase, thanks for showing us how its done 😊

  8. Death by Cocktail
    Death by Cocktail says:

    I can't believe how good these pot things are mate- ours has totally changed the way I cook since we got it.
    My mum was always scared of pressure cookers after her auntie's exploded and covered the kitchen in Scouse back in the 1970s 🤣
    Fab video 👍🏻


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