As Low As $1 Per Serving | Very Inexpensive Dinner Ideas | Cheap Cooking

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In this video, we’re going to show you some very inexpensive dinner ideas that are perfect for when you don’t have a lot of money …

31 replies
  1. Jill Gott
    Jill Gott says:

    I have had nasal congestion since October ! One doctor said it was caused by a virus another said allergies, and because I have post nasal drip I had mucus around the esophagus. Finally ! my sinuses are less clogged but it is working its' way through my throat . At the worst, I sounded like I was gasping for my last breath and having a heart attack so some people thought, others agreed when I said my talking was a combination of Deep Throat whispering and Darth Vadar neither attractive I assure you. Also, my nasal passages whistled lol I was a mess 😂 so, I understand you being congested hope you feel better. And thanks for the videos

  2. Judith Loue
    Judith Loue says:

    Even though eggs are way too expensive, if you use them as a Protein you can make a big ass (can I say "ass" here?) egg casserole/frittata with leftovers (potatoes/rice/pasta….and any veggies hanging around the kitchen…add some cheese). Bake in your biggest casserole and serve for sammies/burritos/whatever. Just an idea here.

  3. Daniel in the Antipodes
    Daniel in the Antipodes says:

    You are right about stock. It does make a difference. But it is quite expensive to buy and takes time to make. So I always keep some stock cubes to use instead, when needed. The posh foodies hate them, but I find it is just a matter of maybe reducing the added salt a little. Thank you for the video!

  4. dahester07
    dahester07 says:

    Here in MS, the weather is up and down. One day is in the 70s, then the next day in the 40s. My sinuses are having a hay day. I am feeling horrible with it all. Love watching your videos.


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