Are You Scared of the Starch Solution? Ask McDougall Support Specialist Stacy Cross (Nov 14)

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9 replies
  1. Robin A
    Robin A says:

    What a wonderful community ❤️ It's so refreshing to see people keeping it real!
    So appreciative that Stacy is willing to share her knowledge.
    My current job is driving, about 3 weeks ago I found Chef AJ and that led me to Dr McDougall and you Kathy. I listen to all of the videos while I'm driving 🚗 then I have to go back in my history to save the recipes. I found that listening first, helps me pick up more of your great tips! I also enjoy when you and Cheryl share your journey 💛 You've all made work more tolerable 😆

  2. Keeping it Simple
    Keeping it Simple says:

    I absolutely love when you have Stacy on! I share videos on our YouTube channel about how our family of 4 has made a starch-centered plant based diet work for us for the past 14 years. I love Dr McDougall and his simple, straightforward message. Keeping it simple is key for us!! Thank you for sharing!

  3. dan k
    dan k says:

    (Abby typing) Don't think replacements think other great foods that are also creamy, filling, good texture. Once we stop saying meat replacements or faux foods you can enjoy what you are actually eating.

  4. Pamela Riccardi
    Pamela Riccardi says:

    Most friends and family say, come on, you can have just a little bit. It really frustrates me, for when I eat these foods I get triggered to want more even days later. If I had a nut allergy and everyone knew it they wouldn’t be pushing nuts on me. Just because I choose not to eat it, they feel they can criticize my lifestyle. It’s very frustrating. They don’t even want to eat the vegan food I bring just because it’s vegan and are offended that I bring it. So I don’t get those invites very much anymore.
    I feel great eating this way and that’s good enough for me. My tastebuds have readjusted and real whole food is addicting now. 2 years Vegan SOS. Love my Starches!

  5. Rebecca
    Rebecca says:

    Following starch solution for most part, and also listen to you and your guests and chef 5:19 AJ. Today was the first I heard about dates as Chef AJ uses them in her dishes and listened to the discussion on nuts and can see how someone would avoid if focused solely on weight loss. Yet I align more with how Kathy spoke on them and how they are not a trigger food and she uses them for baking and her dog. I guess for myself not ready to part ways with dates and nuts altogether, then. I will go with the adage -take what I like and leave the rest as for the most part, Starch solution works for me and there is that 10 percent – Kathy spoke of where the gray area allows for imperfection if that is even the right word I am looking for 🙏🏻Enjoy your gentle nature, Kathy and listening to Cheryl speak of her journey today.


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