Apple Fritter Muffins | WEIGHT LOSS WEDNESDAY – Episode: 269

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46 replies
  1. Marisa Conner
    Marisa Conner says:

    Hi Chef AJ! I just popped a batch of these Iโ€™m the oven but wanted to check on the cooking time. In your video I though you said 25 min then I thought you said 45 min. In the written instructions it says 40 min. Which is correct? Many thanks for the recipe!

  2. Patty Jackson
    Patty Jackson says:

    All I can say is WOW!!! Both my husband and I were shocked at how moist, sweet and absolutely amazing, such simple ingredients could be!! Brilliant, Chef AJ ~ total keeper!!! โค๏ธ

  3. Kim Lutz
    Kim Lutz says:

    I made these yesterday. I didn't have light raisins so I used 1/2 cup dried mulberries & 1/2 cup Thompson raisins. They are so delicious ๐Ÿ˜‹โค๏ธ Thanks Chef AJ for a great recipe.

  4. Beth
    Beth says:

    I made the apple fritter muffins today, wow they are good! They are plenty sweet enough exactly like the recipe is written. Dense and moist and the addition of millet flour improved the texture so much! Hubby is crazy about them, thank you, thank you!

  5. Lucas P
    Lucas P says:

    Looks great, but I'd never make that for myself alone, I couldn't have that around and expect to control myself. Millet flour or any flour for that matter is out anyway. That'd a transition dish, something for those among us struggling to escape a SAD eating habit. I don't need to be forgiven. (Little Who there) I'm a whole – simple – food person. I enjoy it that way and don't need these nuggets of gold to encourage me to eat. As a of matter, I need to be discouraged from eating. .

  6. Missy Etling
    Missy Etling says:

    I want to buy my first-ever silicone baking dish. Just started WFPB. Can I use a square silicone to make both Chef AJโ€™s SOFAS-Free Outrageous Black Bean Brownies & these Apple Fritter muffins? For now, what would be the most useful size to buy, if I just buy one silicone baking dish to make Chef AJโ€™s healthy yummy desserts?

  7. jacquelyn hill
    jacquelyn hill says:

    Iโ€™m definitely going to make! Not only are you getting the sweetness naturally but the whole oat is fiber rich. The strawberry version sounds good as well. Yumโฃ๏ธ


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