Announcement on New Project | Coastal Harvest NZ Pipis

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New project coming! Buy Kelp Chili Crisp: Buy Outdoor Chef Life Merch http://www.

21 replies

    Taku – you are Livin' the Dream! Enjoy watching your adventures! Congratulation on your cookbook deal. Just a question – why are you writing a cookbook, instead of creating a cooking channel / website and post all your recipes there? I rarely use my cookbooks as I search the internet and watch Youtube videos? I like watching a video on how to prepare a dish instead of reading a cookbook.

  2. Angel
    Angel says:

    Hell yeah, you have no idea long I have been waiting for you to say that. I literally started clapping yelled out f@#$ yeah!!!!! I'm so darn excited for this book. Been watching you since day one. So excited for you guys.
    Love you both
    Angel from Cali in the 805

  3. Whackadoodle
    Whackadoodle says:

    Tried ordering the kelp chili crisp but the website doesn’t work, at least not on the iPad. I add it to cart and then go to cart, and the cart is empty. Will try again on the laptop later I guess, but y’all should probly know!

  4. leluboy
    leluboy says:

    Brother Taku, just wanna ask which is the best uni, the short tentacle one or the long tentacle one. Just wondering coz there's two kinds on my island


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