Andrew Tate RAW TRUTH – What we Think | ZANDER BROS SPEAK Ep. 2

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The second official episode of zander bros speak. Today we talk about Andrew Tate. Casey’s Millionaire Mindset ($5 – Less than a …

35 replies
  1. Anthony Farro
    Anthony Farro says:

    simplicity. Really been enjoying the content on here and on the second channel. I've turned my life around completely because of you. I'm extremely appreciative of the amount of free information that's been provided through your YouTube channel.

  2. "Beer And Bones"
    "Beer And Bones" says:

    You Nailed it around the 5 min mark when you said with all this info access, people think everything has been done already and theres nothing new to create. Back in my early 30s i thought that same exact thing and i remember being a idiot and even writing that on my face book.. I was referring to songs for the most part cus i write songs, i was having some big time writers block. (amature song writer) So fast forward to now say 11 years later, so much new shit has been done.. Its a bad loser mindset and Id suggest losing that mindset to anyone11

  3. DeSean Callands
    DeSean Callands says:

    Casey and Cole are right about their approach to focus.
    I started simplifying my life a couple of months ago by sticking to a strict schedule and deleting most social apps.
    I work out in the morning. I practice playing guitar. I meditate and journal. I pick my clothes for the next day. And now I'm content eating the same things everyday. It's insane how much focus I have now on my goals.

  4. Mikey Noels
    Mikey Noels says:

    Both the key to success and excelling and maintaining at the top and the advice given. Itโ€™s not complicated itโ€™s just not easy either. Remove distraction and committing to love and legacy not vanity ๐Ÿ”‘

  5. Re Ne
    Re Ne says:

    simplicity, im on and off subber, you can motivate me and get me going, yet always as it starts looking good i self sabotage, like i start benching over 100kg, i get a girl, i get pay raise and my hobby writting gets noticed, then i go celebrate to a bar and as soon i start drinking my life gets fucked hard, i get emotional, stupid and lazy, my fitness goes down i become needy and my gf leaves…. and all my friends, all culture in my country is about drinking, we are worste tnen Irish so you have more pubs then gyms in my city

  6. Kiran
    Kiran says:

    Large part of mental illness and depression is due to a poor lifestyle, and a lack of faith in God. Iโ€™ve experienced this battle, put your faith in God, and also, stop eating garbage lol


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