ANABOLIC PANCAKE CEREAL | Easy High Protein Bodybuilding Breakfast Recipe!

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41 replies
  1. estewar03
    estewar03 says:

    Interesting idea. I don't do any social media other than YT so never seen this before. Might actually give it a try I eat protein pancakes often enough. Be kinda funny w/ 1 little blueberry in the center of each.
    BTW, your tip to spray a bit of non-stick on the fat-free cheese before cooking was GOLD, my cheese is no longer dried out & hard. Made Chicken enchiladas last night and they turned out way better than last time.

  2. Alpha Akuma
    Alpha Akuma says:

    Bro I can't wait to try this, oh RJ I was wondering if you have found a White chocolate macadamia nut cookies recipe yet? I have been wanting those for a while but don't want to ruin my progress I got so far. Keep up the great content bro!

  3. Charles Walters
    Charles Walters says:

    Hey James hope you are doing well!
    Love your channel.
    A little background on the Splenda (sugar). You do know that it was developed as a pesticide and it literally KILLS all of your good and bad gut bacteria. And if you didn't know 75 to 80% of your immune system is in your gut that helps keep you healthy. You should try Stevia instead. Also, buy destroying your gut it can lead to what is know as Leaky guy syndrome that will intern cause health problems.
    Food for thought;0)!

  4. adamwest1314
    adamwest1314 says:


    92g Egg Beaters or Egg Whites (same macros)
    27g Pancake Mix
    31g Whey Protein Powder
    170g Plain Fat Free Greek Yogurt
    2g Zero Calorie Sweetener
    2g Baking Powder

    364 Calories
    4g Fat
    53g Protein
    29g Carbs
    2g Fiber

  5. hungry4more1
    hungry4more1 says:

    Y’all are gonna regret using all this “healthy sugar free” stuff here soon. Man tf up and just eat less food and keep it natural, good whole foods, stop using sweetener. You should even be having sweet foods very often but when you do just use an organic sugar and don’t use a whole lot and keep yourself balanced


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