Amish Sunday morning breakfast

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Have you had coffee soup yet #amishlife.

11 replies
  1. Hannah Erickson
    Hannah Erickson says:

    I am a midwife in north east Ohio and I have worked along side some midwives that serve the Amish and I didn’t believe them that the Amish eat coffee soup until like four or five plain serving midwives said it

  2. mordeys
    mordeys says:

    Ok we didnt mix our up like this but EXTREMELY similar.
    Dad called it coffee toast. You would take a piece of toast, best if it was leftover from breakfast, then for us kids he would do over half a coffee cup of milk, sugared good and the add coffee to the rest. Then he would pour it over the toast. It was soso good. When it was really cold out or you were feeling poorly. And especially when it was flipping icy cold out and you just had to bareback down to the 2 ponds and use the pick to break up the ice on the pond..then ride back up and feed and water everything, spending twice as much time because all of the water tubs or waterers where frozen over. You come all frozen and still have to get ready to get on a bus, (in 70s there were no heaters really on busses) praying the guy on the tv would call your district number and you had the day off. Dad would be getting his last cup of coffee before work. He would rerunn the rest of the coffee and some extra water through the percolator.. then make us this.. ohh quisp was my go to breakfast food..unless dad made this. His momma used to make this for him and hers before. Strong German/ Pennsylvania Dutch/Friends families. So it was a common way to warm ppl up, use leftovers all up and not make more work with fixing more food that meant more dishes and more money.

  3. Karen Baxter
    Karen Baxter says:

    My husband's old boss was Italian and for many year after the war families were poor and stale bread with brewed coffee over it and sugar ( much like this recipe) was common or breakfast.

  4. zosijana123
    zosijana123 says:

    Could you please explain how the Amish in your community earn money to buy coffee, sugar etc. What kind of things would be bought and what would they make themselves. For example did they cultivate sugar beat, make their own soap, grow linen or something and weave cloth, have sleep, spin wool, knit sweaters? Or would those things be bought? Is there within community and outside community commerce? Does within community exchange money, or is there some other system of sharing goods?


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