Americans Try Making British Sunday Roast Dinner for the First Time

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When we tried Sunday Roast at Toby Carvery, many of our viewers told us we needed to try a proper homemade Sunday Roast, …

21 replies
  1. @TheMagicGeekdom
    @TheMagicGeekdom says:

    What essential components or dishes did we miss that you make with your Sunday Roast? What other dishes should we attempt to make next?

    Watch our Toby Carvery video:

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  2. @lindagear9014
    @lindagear9014 says:

    Hi, great job with that guys and hats off to doing it in Arizona, I just did roast beef and roast potatoes in goose fat (etc) for the family who were visiting , your right it is a lot of work but everyone enjoys it (may be a little more than the cook). As to the mint sauce, I think the reason it goes so well is because lamb can be a little fatty and the mint sauce cuts through that, also lamb is particularly good in spring and the mint is newly up and ready to pick then.

  3. @mymusic5772
    @mymusic5772 says:

    I have a microwave/ convection combination oven.As it does both it is handy when making my Sunday roast.It means I can use two ovens.Your goose fat will be melting due to the heat in the kitchen..I’ve never put my potatoes in the fridge.I leave them on the side so a lot of the steam escape. I place my potatoes back in the pot once drained with the lid on I give them one shake,This makes the potatoes all jagged on the edges and this gives you the crispiness.Sometimes I’ve peeled my potatoes the day before and left them soaked in water with a few whole garlic cloves.
    Once the lamb is cooked let it rest in the tray sealed with tin foil until everything else is ready to serve.I parboil my potatoes for only 10 minutes.I don’t want them to fall apart and I leave them slightly larger.
    When cooking Yorkshire pudding my preference it to add more egg and less milk than the recipe.I just think it gives more flavour and use free range eggs.Let the batter rest before it is placed in the tins for cooking.Make sure the tin with the SUNFLOWER oil is preheated in the oven,It is vital that you get the batter in the tin and back in the oven as fast as possible and NEVER open the oven door to check have used a metal tray to cook my roast.Then I’d lift the roast out the roasting tin and place the tin on your stove and use the potato masher to mash everything that the roast was cooked with add a little flower and then maybe a little can then sieve that gravy then serve.Its because you sieve it that it doesn’t matter if you leave the skins on the garlic and the onion.when preparing the food before it goes in the oven,THATS the best advice I can give.I hope you enjoyed your meal.

  4. @davidmrenton
    @davidmrenton says:

    i feel it's hard to do Chicken , Beef wrong , but Lamb is quite easy to do the wrong way, but when you nail a good piece of Lamb it's the best thing ever.

    Chicken, Beef tend to be ok at best, where a great Lamb is something you remember

  5. @dianekenyon586
    @dianekenyon586 says:

    Great first attempt put your fosemary in the lamb slice a few cuts on lamb and stick the rosemary in while cooking flavour the lamb dont fill your yorkshire pudding tins so full but that looks delicious well done x

  6. @annsobers1576
    @annsobers1576 says:

    I've been watching your videos for a while. This one earns a subscribe. Well done! I've had much worse in the UK. Top tip……don't get hung up on overpriced condiments like mint and apple sauce. Easy to make most of the accompaniments. A lot of effort…….but a great result.

  7. @suzannebrookes5950
    @suzannebrookes5950 says:

    I think you did super well considering it was your first attempt, you will find that the more you make the better you will get the timing down pat, also.. my mum always cooked the roast potatoes underneath the meat in the same tin, so the meat went on a rack over the roasting tin, that way the juices from the meat would also flavour the potatoes, also… always use the meat juices in with your gravy and if you boil any veg.. use some of that water too.

  8. @czeshirecat6278
    @czeshirecat6278 says:

    A nice sauce for lamb is a simple onion sauce. We're heretics tho'. Put a cup or two of milk in sauce pan, add sliced onion, plenty of pepper and a little salt. Bring to boil, simmer until onion is soft. The milk will separate, dont worry. Add a paste of milk and flour and boil again to thicken. Put in a jug so people can add what they want over the lamb. Mint sauce too ofc.

  9. @leejenkins6495
    @leejenkins6495 says:

    Couple of tips, when making gravy add some of the meat juices to it and if it lamb also add mint sauce to the gravy too.

    Also try mashed potato and also get yourself some stuffing.

  10. @dmbKIKI
    @dmbKIKI says:

    The oven wants to be quite hot for yorkshire pudding(top of oven). You can make them ahead of time. Get yourself a steamer that sits on top of the oven ( boiling water) to steam carrots,cabbage,brocoli, and cauliflower. This can be done at the same time as your roast(towards the end of roasting). A large metal roasting tray for the roast,so you can do roast potatoes and parsnips on the tray along with the roast at the same time. Plus, they roast in the meat juices, which makes them tastier. This should speed up the time it takes and make it easier. We don't use garlic for a proper sunday dinner. Also, cut the potatoes larger(less to turn,they hold their shape better,use a turner/spatula to turn them not tongs-gently)par boil,drain water then gently shake them(no flour) they get little rough surfaces that give them crispy edges. I hope this helps.

  11. @jennigee51
    @jennigee51 says:

    I'm just so envious! Lamb was my favourite roast until, through absolutely no fault of the lamb, and on two consecutive occasions, I was sick after having eaten it, and now I just can't even contemplate eating it 😭
    You did an absolutely fantastic job 😋 ohhh and try mint jelly, it's a bit sweet and goes very well with lamb.

  12. @derekwatson8568
    @derekwatson8568 says:

    Dont peel the garlic cloves when meat cooked and Resting cut end off garlic end eat it will be like a soft puree' youl love the sweet taste put other cloves in gravy. Put roasted onions that you were using as a trivet in liquidiser blitz down use as base for gravy add tray meat juices corn flour/starch heat mix stir till thick and brown, make spuds nearly golfball size.
    Work out what time you want sunday lunch say 2pm now work bakwards resting a good 30mins. cooking the meat 20 mins a pound plus a 20 min, so a 2pound joint woud be 1 hour, so start cooking meat at 12.30 during that time you prep/cook veg spuds etc, its just planning, remember PPPPPP perfect preperation planning prevents Pxxs poor performance


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