Amberlynn Reid wants us to SHOWER WITH HER!?! 😳

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TheLyfeofaFreeSpirit #AmberReid #Reaction Dossier- …

27 replies
  1. GoldenGodessOfTheGeeks
    GoldenGodessOfTheGeeks says:

    Ok so I'm pretty sure if I remember correctly she's on Paxil(an antidepressant that is mainly prescribed to people with social anxiety, I know this because it's the medication I've been on for almost two years) but she should not be on a mood stabilizer as well, that's generally what people with schizophrenia take(my mother and best friend do so I know). I'm amazed that she thinks she wouldn't need those meds upped after having a major hormone change from the cancer and surgery. Of course she'd need her meds upped! I've had mine upped at least once a year because my body builds a tolerance to the meds. I also think she not only lies to us but to her doctor. I think she looks up symptoms and tells her GP(general practitioner,everyday doctor) those symptoms and gets prescribed meds she probably doesn't need. It took me 10 years of trying different medications to find Paxil so I doubt she'd be given it right off the bat, most doctors start with prozac and zoloft because they treat much broader forms of depression. I'm treated for bi-polar disorder 1 and agoraphobia but I'm also given restoral (sleeping medication) and valium (anxiety medication) for the exact same reason she is, trauma. I just find it extremely hard to believe she sees any proper doctor for her medications because they'd explain why she needs them upped or give her medications to fix her other problems, not just the depression. Another thing is no doctor makes you come in every single time you need a refill unless its a narcotic. Her doctor would've given her refills for her meds even if it had been a while she can still have a pharmacy call her doctor to renew her script. She hasn't taken them and hasn't seen her doctor becuase SHE CHOSE NOT TO. I'm getting tired of hearing her white lies and misinformation about medications.

  2. Stephie V
    Stephie V says:

    My son has autism and his thing (biggest obsession) is LEGO Star Wars. My house has two book cases just to display his amazing creations. He 9 and it took him 6 months to build the Death Star. My family pools their money to afford big expensive sets. It makes me mad that she doesn’t display them and just throws them in a box. I wish I had hundreds and hundred to drop on legos.

  3. MisfitBiscuit
    MisfitBiscuit says:

    Pro tip: When you cry while applying foundation, or after you've done your makeup, just pat the tears into the foundation. No smears or patches.
    Source: Major depressive disorder.

  4. Paula C. Muñoz Torres
    Paula C. Muñoz Torres says:

    In my humble opinion, unless something MASSIVE (even more than her cancer scare) happened in her life, she will continue with her destructive life cycles. There is something I can’t pick apart that brings her joy about lying, trolling, manipulating, having her partner as an enabler and having that superficial level of happiness. I am not an expert, so I cannot recognise any inherently pathological traits, but I wouldn’t be disproved they were there) I say superficial happiness because if she felt truly miserable, there would be no fucking around, she would get some therapy, at least to get back to be “normal” enough to keep doing her thing on YouTube. I would say she is simple enough to let her life go to waste as long as she doesn’t have to be to bothered to do anything. She doesn’t care about dying, she doesn’t care about her health, family, the world or the legacy she leaves behind. Her world consists of her house, her YouTube channel and the few people she knows. The rest, are foreign to her.
    Those are just my two cents.
    I love your videos, Callie.😊

  5. Lama Prieta
    Lama Prieta says:

    holy shit that becca foundation is the worst foundation I have ever tried of course it’s her fav…. anyways… the fact she doesn’t know that just quitting antidepressants cold turkey gives you awful withdrawal symptoms??? that’s like the first thing your doc should tell you. PLUS: they should be able to fill a prescription asap if they know you’ll be without/miscalculated your renewal. she just doesn’t care. she’s too old to neglect her own mental wellbeing like this. im so tired.


    Just going to leave this here…
    When psychopaths cry, Glass says they will often wipe underneath each eye, one at a time. "When people cry genuine tears they cry with both eyes, and so they will tend to wipe both eyes at once."
    Reference from behavioral analyst Lillian Glass, a language expert who's worked with the FBI on unmasking signals of deception.


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