Almost Everyone Has These Secret Unhealthy Habits

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Almost everyone claims they are healthy. But secretly, they eat, drink, smoke or do things they don’t want others to know about, …

35 replies
  1. Sylvia Colette
    Sylvia Colette says:

    Thank you Markus for your videos and knowledge 🙂 I just had a month ago a stroke (lucky it was a light one, as I could still walk, talk etc.) But at the rehabilitation centre, I was stunned about the food they served. Bread, Pasta, Meat, Dairy, you name it. I asked for dairy free and meat free meals, which I got. And I always asked for fresh lemon, so I could put the juice over the veggies. Tried to eat as much healthy I could while there. Now back home, I'm happy to do my green smoothies and salads with lemon juice.
    I'm just so happy and grateful to be back home and eating healthy living foods 🙂

  2. Falke 1978
    Falke 1978 says:

    That's what I needed. You are so right. Thank you for those clear words… There are still so many things I can improve! I know. 🌿🥦🥬🥑🍏🥬🏋️‍♀️🚴‍♀️🚣‍♀️🤸‍♀️💧💧💧😁

  3. Michael Damiano
    Michael Damiano says:

    Alright I have a question about marijuana, I'm not at all looking for excuses to keep doing it or anything because this is news to me and if it's bad I will not do it. But is there any benefits to the plant at all because why is it here if we can't do anything with it and I'm not talking about hemp. Aren't there people that have healed tumors with CBD? I apologize if this question comes out assy I'm generally asking I love what you do you are the reason I'm getting better finally.

  4. That Millennial Vegan
    That Millennial Vegan says:

    A lot of people didn’t go vegan for health reasons, it was for the animals. No one eats the vegan meat alternative to be healthy, we do it because it tastes good, because of the similarities, we just don’t want the murder of an innocent being. I don’t eat them often because they’re actually really expensive and to be honest I prefer beans, and lentils anyway. I went vegan for the animals, but now I am slowly trying to fix my diet get it healthier, i may never go fully raw, especially where I live it’s cold most the year. But everything you say is so true.

  5. Angie M
    Angie M says:

    I guess you haven't read Dr. Weston Price's book.
    You want people to acknowledge that being a vegan doesn't mean you will be healthy, because the QUALITY of the food makes the difference. I have some news for you. The same holds true with animal products. It needs to be well sourced.
    Agree about the oils though, and the bitter greens. Agave isn't healthy, but things like raw honey have a lot of nutritional benefits.

  6. mary s
    mary s says:

    Thanks again for once again a wonderful video! Do you guys have a video on how to get rid of loose skin (eg arms, neck, stomach),? I checked but didn't find something apart from filling out the face. I'm on the majority raw (vegan) and have been for 5 years and feel great but just wanting to 'tighten' up, am not doing weight training b/c not enough time or money at the moment (but ok should do weights atleast at home I suppose) but I do walk daily and some days do lundges and strengthening excersises with elastic loop resistance band.

  7. rabbitcreative
    rabbitcreative says:

    All I'm hearing is that it's incredibly difficult to be healthy in 2022. Sets of people with lots of influence and resources are invested in making us sick. Welcome to Earth-2022.

  8. Mini
    Mini says:

    Wow it felt like you were talking to me😂😂even though the only food that I eat cooked is oatmeal 👍it reminded me of the dogs when they do something wrong and go to the corner looking all guilty😱 thanks for the reminder 🙏

  9. Pernilla S
    Pernilla S says:

    Please never stop giving us a kick up the butt. You are amazing. I didn't gain any weight during my twin pregnancy as I was ill, but months AFTER giving birth I blew up like a balloon and it never stopped, I look at the mirror and feel alienated from whom that person is looking back. This year as a new mom I lost all control of my health and wellness and I have been healthy since 2004. I needed to hear this today.

  10. JuegaYugen
    JuegaYugen says:

    Mark! I totally believe in your message, but pls give me an advice to get rid of this yeast, fungus parasite thing if I live in a rented room and sometimes I cannot cook. I want to start, I wan to spread your message to the world!!! Pls give me a start!

  11. The Mama Bear Life
    The Mama Bear Life says:

    OH WOW! 😲 I've never heard someone say CBD oil is bad for us. I bought a bunch of it thinking it would help with the inflammation. I rub it on the areas that I have pain, and take a dropper full at night. I'm fighting stage 4 cancer and have watched documentaries on how the RSO has healed people… I've actually been kicking myself because I haven't done the RSO program… I just don't like the feeling of being high, and they also say to expect to be out of commission for the duration of the program, and I still need to work and get things done, so I can't do that… So that is why I have been doing the CBD, because it only has about 1% THC…


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