All Things Suet and Tallow | Fluffy Whipped Tallow | Tallow Protein Buns| Crispy Suet

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All Things Suet and Tallow | Fluffy Whipped Tallow | Tallow Protein Buns| Crispy Suet The whole process of whipping the Tallow …

42 replies
  1. Jeannie Nutter
    Jeannie Nutter says:

    Refrigeration? Do you have to keep your beef tallow crunchies in the fridge or can they be left at room temp? Also, what about the tallow for cooking. I keep my bacon fat on the counter by my stove. Can this be kept like that or should it be refrigerated? When you say beef tallow, I am assuming that is the same thing as if I ask the butcher for "beef fat scraps", is that correct? I so appreciate all your efforts in bringing this information to us. Not everyone is "into" HIGH FAT, so getting ideas and recipes is not easy.

  2. Valerie Lyn
    Valerie Lyn says:

    I was hoping you would just go ahead and use the vanilla flavored whipped tallow in the recipe. The buns would have tasted of vanilla, but you would’ve got your experiment done right and they wouldn’t have been bad tasting. But I love that you experiment and I learned a bunch. Thank you.

  3. Sally
    Sally says:

    I bought some tripe this morning. Had to do some googling as I found they had scalded tripe as well which is half the price! Grabbed a small package of it and hope to make some in the next couple of days!

  4. Tony Drum
    Tony Drum says:

    Since with the eggwhites and tallow are shippable, I wonder if it would be worth exploring adding the whipped tallow to a partially whipped egg whites, and finishing the job with them together for a more tightly integrated 2-base ingredients? Hmmmm. IT'S SO FLUFFY! 😀

  5. Paula Berlund
    Paula Berlund says:

    I made the set beef scrunchies and have to say not a favorite. The shaved beef was very unpleasant in texture and the suet was unpleasantly chewy even though it was crispy from my airfryer. Just me I'm sure and I thank you for a new idea. My dogs loved it.❤

  6. Melanie Harris
    Melanie Harris says:

    Thank you Anita for this video. After watching Becky's video with the buns, she only whipped the egg whites to soft peaks. Not stiff peaks as you showed. Then she incorporated the tallow. Just trying to help. 😊 I love all your videos!!

  7. YB E
    YB E says:

    I was going to try this with regular rendered beef fat. I can't get suet where I am. I'll let you know. But this is what I did with my whipped brown butter, basically let it almost harden and it whipped to a frosting consistency. Thank you for these amazing ideas!

  8. Steph Wessel
    Steph Wessel says:

    It’s so beautifully green outside your windows! No wonder the gardener is always working! It’s very cold on the plains of NE so your colorful environment looks like a treat. Very interesting recipes today! Thank you for sharing all that you do.

  9. Lorri E
    Lorri E says:

    Confession! I wasn't too thrilled with the subject of this vlog 🤣but so glad I watched! Now I'm actually excited about all things tallow & suet! Thank you for coming up with so many wonderful recipes. I love your mayo & hollandaise recipes as well.

  10. Kimomo
    Kimomo says:

    I can't tell you how much I appreciate seeing you try these things in real time and learn as you do through the process. That is a really neat aspect of your channel.

  11. Helen F
    Helen F says:

    Hi Anita, the recipes look great and pretty easy! Thanks!
    As far as discarding food I don't know what to do with or don't want to eat, my dog loves it all. I just have to remember to save some for the cat. Lol

  12. Helen F
    Helen F says:

    Hi Anita, the recipes look great and pretty easy! Thanks!
    As far as discarding food I don't know what to do with or don't want to eat, my dog loves it all. I just have to remember to save some for the cat. Lol

  13. Carol32547
    Carol32547 says:

    I love you named your mixer "big red" like I did decades ago.
    What does whipped tallow taste like?
    If you eat more fat…doesn't the ketones not be able to burn body fat? Newbie to this way of eating…noob question

  14. amesstoday
    amesstoday says:

    Hi Anita, just wanted you to know how much I love your channel. Crunchy suet bites sounds like a winner. I learn quite a bit from you. Also, I didn't even know that the suet was from beef.

  15. Donna Pahl
    Donna Pahl says:

    Thank you for mentioning you buy the suet at Save-On. I have a Save-On in Calgary not far from me, and will go see if I can find it. back in the day, I used to find suet at Superstore for Christmas steamed pudding but haven’t seen it for a long time. (Don’t make the pudding anymore now that I’m keto.)

  16. Geri Griggs
    Geri Griggs says:

    Anita, Thanks for the revamped whipped tallow! Such great uses too for my Fatty February month of eating. By the way, I noticed your hair is really growing & is in great condition too.

  17. Tina White
    Tina White says:

    Funny that you mention the whipped body butters. I have been binge watching these videos lately ( with regular butters like shea not tallow) BUT they always put it in the freezer until it’s solidified except the middle and then they whip it up in their mixer to a beautiful fluffy consistency. Maybe that would work here too so you don’t have all the steps. 🤔


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