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36 replies
  1. @lachouette_et_le_phoque
    @lachouette_et_le_phoque says:

    The "sad bastards cookbook" is great, it's free online if you don't want a paper version and basically a large collection of recipes that can be made when depressed, sick or otherwise out of energy or money to make anything approaching a conventional meal. Very funny read too! There are different versions of most recipes to account for what you might have ingredients wise and how much energy you have available. I can guarantee there are recipes involving rice, though they would be amiss not to include ramen noodles (with optional additions to make it tastier/healthier). I felt very validated that there's a section about "you can in fact eat beans straight out of a can, if you don't have energy for more. But you have to say "it's fine like that" or it doesn't count", something like that anyway.

  2. @Weldedhodag
    @Weldedhodag says:

    12:42 bro you can buy a tiny 6-drink soda fridge at the store for less than 20 bucks, this shit has to be like 200 at most for the unit alone and like 350 with instilation. That ain't 'rich people' money thats 'middle aged' people money

  3. @Zifflin
    @Zifflin says:

    can we agree that the fucking censoring-sound being used here is the most obnoxious shit ever?.. either you swear and leave it in the damned video, or you don't swear at all.. make up your mind..

  4. @cameroneridan4558
    @cameroneridan4558 says:

    Probably the only places where it's "safe" to have an outdoor cat (as in, environmentally speaking, because it absolutely isn't safe for the cats) are Europe, north Africa and western Asia (with the middle east at the centre of course). Since house cats come from the Mediterranean basin, and since they have already spent 10 thousand years casually wrecking the environment alongside people there. There's nothing really left for them to destroy (so long as they are spayed and neutered anyway).

    They will absolutely get ran over by a car or die as a result of fighting a fox, dog, or other cats though, people are in total denial as to how many cats die this way because they're basically used to entire litters of cats getting decimated by this and leaving only one or at best two remaining after two years in most cases.

  5. @heartofthewild680
    @heartofthewild680 says:

    The solution to the waste caused by balloons could be solved two ways:
    1. Edible balloons (as long as they’re safe for both humans and the wildlife to eat, and you can even make them different flavors, like cherry or apple)
    2. Biodegradable balloons (less exciting, but probably more practical than trying to make them taste good while still safe for animals to eat)


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