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46 replies
  1. @LittleLotteWanders
    @LittleLotteWanders says:

    Has anyone else ever tried to post in r/boneappletea? I’ve posted content of the exact same variety (ex. “bone jaw”, “dog fetus”) so many times and every single time I get it taken down yelled at by a mod because it’s “not an official malapropism”. Then I make an argument that I’ve seen many Reddit videos showing posts like this and they lose their MINDS and call the Youtubers idiots and say they’re ruining the sub.

  2. @DogMechanic
    @DogMechanic says:

    I think the "sewer slide" thing isn't a boneappletea. I'm under the impression that sometimes it's used to avoid saying the actual word in case it's triggering. Source: I've seen younger people in my family who I know, know how to spell it use it that way.

    Also, "scapegoat" comes from a misreading of the ancient hebrew word "azazel" (a name) into another word that meant "the goat that departs"- which, in the bible, was translated to mean a literal goat that took on the burden (or blame) of sin for the Jewish people and was sent into the desert to die as a sacrifice for atonement. By the time the misreading was recognized, "scapegoat" was already in the lexicon, so it just never went away. Weird story behind a weird word.


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