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Thanks so much for watching! I hope you enjoy this video. 🙂 I needed to restock my fridge and pantry after being away for a while …

19 replies
  1. Created By Patti
    Created By Patti says:

    What a great haul. I think I might pop into my pathetically stocked Aldi just to see if I can’t find some of those products. I’ve only been there once and I didn’t know how to work the quarter for the cart!! I get intimidated easily. Ha. Luckily some lady just gave me the cart and I gave mine to someone else when I was done.
    I am using the WW app again because it’s so much easier than tracking everything. I’m buying zero point meats and veggies for my meals and then adding some carbs. So far so good! Your grocery trips always inspire me.

  2. norma smith
    norma smith says:

    great to see you back friend with a great big nice grocery haul glad to see you and everyone and everything is ok very nice contents take care hello to you and all the family don't forget the little doggie In God we trust God blesses us all!!!!

  3. Lottie Richards
    Lottie Richards says:

    Hello planning healthy im trying to lose weight but it is hard i love watching your video my bra is getting lose does that mean I'm losing weight also my pants are getting lose also im watching what I eat i walk and dance alot this is lottie richards I love watching your video and happy Halloween to you


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