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HEY HEY! welcome back to my channel, todays video is an Aldi food shopping haul, i hope you guys enjoy watching 🙂 don’t forget …

19 replies
  1. Daily Meggie
    Daily Meggie says:

    i must say Rebecca you made remind me that i need to go to do the shopping to aldi! haven’t done it for ages! regular prize for my weekly-10day shopping cost me £160+- these days and its mostly veges fruits some meat and some food for school packed lunches:(
    thank you for this film you’ve just motivated me to do my next shopping at aldi !
    love your film❤️🥰

  2. David Howard
    David Howard says:

    Great video that was a really good shop and all for under £90 which is really good with todays prices thanks for sharing. I will have to try some of those items.

  3. Emily Hepworth
    Emily Hepworth says:

    Good food shop, for mince I always buy the bigger pack, either half & freeze or make mince wraps , like burritos. I don’t buy packet rice , i buy a big bag & make it fresh. This would save you some money, the big packs of chicken fillets are good too as you can separate & freeze. Must say aldi fruit & veg does go bad very quick so I go to markets for fruit & veg for the kids xx

  4. Michele Bryant
    Michele Bryant says:

    Great haul. I love Aldi. We get those onion rings there nicer than any other ones I've had. We love those cheesecakes and trifles guaranteed to go in the trolley every week 😂


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