Air Fryer Chicken Fried Steak with Gravy Recipe

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This Air fryer Chicken Fried Steak with Gravy recipe is the easiest way to make a great tasting steak with lots of breading and gravy. No need to worry about the …

5 replies
  1. Steven Marrocco
    Steven Marrocco says:

    This looks amazing – can’t wait to try it! One issue: in the video (and the written narrative for the recipe), you say to mix milk and cream together for the gravy, but don’t list how much cream to combine with the milk in the ingredients list.

  2. Lucille Ball
    Lucille Ball says:

    One of my favorite meals! I don't make it often because of frying it in the grease. And look at you, now I can make it in my air fryer and not in oil. I am doing the HAPPY dance. Thank you so much, this is just wonderful. Many hugs to you. Claudia


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