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This simple cheesecake recipe comes out smooth and creamy using our GoWISE USA Air Fryer and Baking Pan. And, cooking time is just 24 minutes—4 …

22 replies
  1. adeebzies
    adeebzies says:

    I used this recipe for a 6 x 3 inch spring form pan and it worked great with my airfryer. I have a question. How would the bake time change if I were to use half of it in the same 6 x 3 pan? .

  2. Timbuktu Kenyatta LP
    Timbuktu Kenyatta LP says:

    Eye happen to be a pastry chef and own several air fryers. If you use a cake pan smaller than the one in this video you can insert it into a slightly larger pan with hot water. Be sure and line the bottom of the pan with parchment. As the cheesecake cools to room temperature it will naturally separate from the edge of the pan. Freeze or chill the cheesecake to set it. Once set, warm the bottom of the pan to loosen it if it sticks. It may not stick because of the parchment so skip this step if it comes out on it's own.


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