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Welcome back everyone! Today we are sharing another day at home with us on our homestead! #largefamilylove #homesteading …

22 replies
  1. Theresa Davenport
    Theresa Davenport says:

    Great video Tiffany. I wish I could share some of that beautiful sunshine y'all had. It's been raining here in Washington State for over a week with no end in sight. Dinner looked so good. I'm glad Gerry was able to get home and ease the kids minds.

  2. Steve Gordon
    Steve Gordon says:

    Luckily your mixer bowl only gets stuck. I was kneading pita bread dough today and the bracket that holds the mixing bowl on my Kitchenaid Stand Mixer Pro 600 broke loose and the bowl went flying………….It was quite a shock……….lol

  3. Rachel Bolick
    Rachel Bolick says:

    I can relate to your kids not being used to their dad being gone. When I was younger my dad had to go on a lot of business trips and couldn’t be home and it was hard on me, my sister, and my mom too. He didn’t go on that many business trips but when he did he would be gone for a couple days at a time. That’s good that your arm didn’t bruise up and it’s only a slight line. That’s so sweet that Gerry is making the drive home and surprising the kids. ❤It would be easier to just stay at the hotel for the night but he’s determined to make it home to be with his family. ❤🥰 you and Gerry are both Great parents, make a great team, and are down to earth people. Hot dogs, corn on the cob, fries and other side options sound amazing for dinner.

  4. Erica Stout
    Erica Stout says:

    Good evening angel girl and everyone else 😇 God bless you and your family ❤️❤️ I really do enjoy your videos sweetie 🥰. Have a blessed day 😇 Love you guys 😇🥰😇😽

  5. Andrea McCrury
    Andrea McCrury says:

    When my boys were little my husband was gone a lot for work. I would always say the first couple of nights that the boys were discombobulated 😅Glad your hubby made it back! At our house when daddy was home it made the family complete.

  6. Annie Lumm
    Annie Lumm says:

    Wilder gotta be in a growth spurt! But I've not noticed it yet. In the truck on our way! See you after! Have a fantastic weekend/week Love y'all ❤️❤️❤️

  7. Yvette & Gerry
    Yvette & Gerry says:

    Not sure if it will work but spray around the bottom of your mixer bowl with Pam or whatever you use turn the bowl to the left and then back to the right and up 😮hope it works! Dinner looks yummy 🌭🍟🌭thank you 🌸🌈🌸

  8. Richard Wright
    Richard Wright says:

    Good afternoon Tiffany. Glad to see you're doing well. What a haul. I do believe my favorite items are those homemade tacos and that lovely plate of chicken salad. That being said, have a blessed Friday and thanks for sharing some of your best recipes – and have a great weekend full of family, fun and food. 👍👍😊😊

  9. ahinz100
    ahinz100 says:

    I work as a nanny and one of the kids i care for is a chili lover like Wilder. When i make the family chili for supper I make extra. I pour the leftovers into silicone muffin cups and freeze. Then i pop the frozen chili cups into a big freezer bag and pop in micro for him when he wants it.


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