A quick finish with my Indian BLOCK PRINTED fabric scraps!

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After much thought I finally decided what to make with the Indian block printed fabric I have leftover from the trip I took to India, …

40 replies
  1. Sue Horn
    Sue Horn says:

    Thank you for this video. This reminds me of the videos you were making a few years ago. Very peaceful and creative.❤️❤️❤️👍🏻❤️❤️❤️

  2. leighway1122
    leighway1122 says:

    Love this video. btw…once you spray baste, you'll never go back! It just won't make sense to go through all that pinning if you can be ready to quilt in 10 minutes. I was thinking as I watched you that it would have been a great opportunity to try out the Baptist Fan pattern!
    No matter. I need to get to my own 5 quilt tops needing finishing. Love you, Kate! and Anna!

  3. Kristyn Blackley
    Kristyn Blackley says:

    💖💖 I think the best part of making something from scratch is it has a Character of it's own and it is a unique piece that will be loved by whoever receives it and it also tell a story!! 💖💖

  4. Kate Henry
    Kate Henry says:

    Spray baste is very nice. It lets me feel secure about no wrinkles on the back. I do use safety pins every 6 inches. I can fold up the quilt and set it aside for a while knowing nothing is shifted before I quilt it. I love scrappy quilts, so your Indian stripes are a delight. My backs are often multipieced as well. It makes me happy to use up cloth that would be wasted. Hugs to you. ))

  5. Melinda Fisher
    Melinda Fisher says:

    "Got fabric out of the cupboard and into a quilt",,,, what a lovely quote~this is such a happy video. You will make glorious memories in the garden with Agnes on this quilt. Tea parties, picnics, laying on her back looking at the clouds. Such fun.

  6. Bella's Crafty Studio
    Bella's Crafty Studio says:

    Hi Kate, this has been a fascinating project, I’m so glad you completed it I as thinking as you were contemplating putting it away what a shame. I love completing my projects. I can’t wait to see the quilt finished. Thank you for taking us along with you. Love Bella xx❤

  7. Y H
    Y H says:

    Lol ,I'm like you in a way,can not pass in front of a piece of fabric without dreaming of what I will do with it and have more then one thing on the go. Love that part of dreaming ,but then get to much on the go and stress about if I will get to the end of any of those projects…Ah and we are spring here today ,but we had 30 cms of snow few days ago and looking for another 30 cms in two days… but it goes so fast we will see flowers soon , after Easter sometime we see some Crocus and then the Tulips. Love your videos ,its like I would visit one of my friend… Have a great week…

  8. Carolyn Rockafellow
    Carolyn Rockafellow says:

    Oh the quilt looks amazing. Perfect for a picnic blanket. I’ve got the bug now to make one with all my scraps. Make a memory one with all the scraps from my old projects. Thank you for the idea and the great visit.❤

  9. t.
    t. says:

    I check in with your videos on and off with a busy year. I just wanted to tell you how absolutely down to earth you are, so relaxing and inspiring. I mean I can watch you iron and it makes me happy. Thank you for continuing to show us what creativity is.

  10. Rose Dwight
    Rose Dwight says:

    This quilt is toooo special to just put on the ground for a picnic. With all the hands that put it together it just needs to live on the Lime Green sofa & anyone that needs a cover for a short nap gets to use it. It is beautiful & I can’t believe how u were able to get it together in such a short time.

  11. Annette Tvedten
    Annette Tvedten says:

    I enjoyed watching this episode. It took me down memory lanes to my trips to India in the late eighties and also to Jaipur and the block printing. I might have to bring some of all the fabrics I bought out and make something special instead of just having them stored away in the cupboard.

  12. Lisa netgark
    Lisa netgark says:

    I find it offensive that you have a member only channel. I have watched your channel from the beginning. As MTV, Public Television, Cable Television, Sirius XM, YouTube is a FREE PLATFORM. Slowly these entities were ruined by adding commercials, DJ’s, and payment only to watch the content. I have seen other channels monetized also such as Lady Colin Campbell. As with her channel, I have unsubscribed to your channel in protest to you taking part in ruining a FREE PLATFORM. This platform is not a job but rather platform to add videos to share with others to share information. I suggest to find another way to make money and stop ruining a free platform that is a gift to the world. Absolutely disgusted!!

  13. Ema
    Ema says:

    Love a small quilt and I can see this getting a lot of use! It must feel wonderful to use up the remnants of that fabric and when you said that you don't mind the imperfections because "…you can see the hand of the maker", I thought – yes!! That's it! I was just thinking today that I am NOT a perfectionist in my work – that doesn't mean I'm sloppy, but if something happens, then so be it. I'll fix whatever it is if I can but if not – it's just a little bit of me in whatever it is. Spray basting – I have been using it and I like it. I don't use much and I don't worry about getting to the edges (I pin the edges). I don't make big quilts though – I think you would probably need another pair of hands (hello Anna!!!) to spray baste a large quilt. Definitely worth it on smaller quilts. xxoo

  14. Mickey
    Mickey says:

    I just love your channel and always wondered why you call it « the Last Homely House ». You are so very interesting and lovely. May God bless you always!

  15. Janet Walker
    Janet Walker says:

    Kudos on your "organic"
    indian block fabric table topper
    This is my favorite way of using all sorts of beautiful fabrics
    I guess I'm still a grandchild of the Great Depression as I hate to waste anything . Stay well😊


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