A Great Pumpkin Recipe Exchange | Pumpkin Pie Syrup |

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Hey Everyone! Come along as I whip up some yummy french toast with a delicious Pumpkin Pie Syrup! Make sure to go check out …

38 replies
  1. Crystal Shell
    Crystal Shell says:

    OMG!! That sauce looks so so yummy! I love seeing others creativity especially since I myself don't have a creative bone in my body. Lol. Who would have thought of a sauce being made from pumpkin?
    Question: Mama Baird, have you ever thought of making labels and shipping some of your products to other states? Maybe something to look forward to maybe in the future if not able right away??

  2. Barbara Rote
    Barbara Rote says:

    Would you consider showing how to use fresh whole pumpkin? Do you receive fresh produce on your food bank hauls? I need to binge watch your videos to see your part of the country. Thank you.

  3. FAUKER consulting
    FAUKER consulting says:

    Looks YUMMY!!!
    ☝🏻💁🏻‍♀️TIP…soak your bread in the egg mixture so the bread has time to be fully infused with the egg mixture and it makes your toast fluffy & tender unless you only want the eggs on the outer most part of the bread in which your toast may be a bit tough/chewy😉👍🏻

  4. Leopard Vixen
    Leopard Vixen says:

    I'm a new sub! Love your channel! I've been binge watching your food bank hauls, but figured I'd leave this comment on your newest video.

    You get the Panera tomato basil bread a lot. It makes INCREDIBLE garlic bread! The way I do it turns any bread into amazing and super easy garlic bread! Cheap and a bit healthier too!

    Pop a slice of bread in the toaster. While it's toasting to your prefered toastiness level, take 1 clove from a head of garlic, peel it, don't smash it, you need it whole, and cut the pointy end off the clove. As soon as your bread is done toasting, take it out, use a towel or oven mitts to protect your hand, and start rubbing the toast with the cut end of the garlic. The heat and rough texture of the toast makes the garlic melt into the bread. It actually mellows it, so it's not a harsh, raw garlic flavor. Use as much or as little garlic as you like! I'm a garlic-aholic so I usually use 1 medium clove per slice of toast. At this point, you can eat it as is, it's delicious, or you can jazz it up! Spread some butter, drizzle some olive oil, add some dried seasonings like Italian, basil or oregano. If you have the time, use a toaster oven or your broiler. Add the butter/oil, seasonings and some grated parmesan, Romano, and/or mozzarella, stick it in the oven until the cheese gets melted. I know you like it cheesy! It's a super cheap and easy way to make garlic bread to have with spaghetti and meatballs, on its own, use in a sandwich like meatball parm. It works on any kind of bread but it's amazing with the Panera tomato basil, with just the garlic. But it's even better with all the extras! Works great with potato bread too and is great for dipping in tomato soup and minestrone soup. You can also cut it up and use in salads as garlic croutons!

  5. B-C Homesteading
    B-C Homesteading says:

    That looks so yummy! Love the pumpkin syrup! I am learning so many new ways to use pumpkin. Thanks for sharing your recipe. I am very excited to have found your channel through this collaboration!

  6. Sandy Pittman
    Sandy Pittman says:

    We live in Southwest Missouri. Is your weather in Montana more constant than ours. You know the Missouri saying, "If you don't like the weather here in Missouri, just wait five minutes and it will change. Breakfast looks yummy.

  7. A Godly Home
    A Godly Home says:

    I will definitely be making the syrup this week. I think I'll shrink the recipe down to about one quarter of the size though because I can't use that much syrup 😂. I'm going to have to use homemade bread on my French toast though I don't have any of that nice pumpkin bread you had. You did a great job on this! I cannot wait to see what else you come up with during the month. 🌻


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