A delicious bacon spaghetti recipe that I cook for dinner! This is my favorite spaghetti recipe

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Hello everyone, today I show you “Bacon and Spaghetti Recipe”. #kdebcooking #tasty #delicious I hope everyone like this video.

24 replies
  1. PJ’s POV
    PJ’s POV says:

    I make a bacon spaghetti by frying the bacon separately adding it to my vegetables. Onions, bell pepper, garlic, celery, fire roasted tomatoes that I dice and will add a jalapeño sometimes.

    Combine my Al dente pasta with my vegetable mix together and warm through and top with whatever cheese I have on hand usually mozzarella or Parmesan or both. But in a pinch have used Asiago or mild cheddar which when combined with the jalapeño makes a bold flavor.

    The crispy bacon flavor goes throughout the veggies and depending on what cheese I use changes up the flavor so much that it can taste like several different dishes. It’s a hit with both young and old diners. I’d love to see your spin on it Kdeb 💜

  2. Donnie Brasco
    Donnie Brasco says:

    LMAO who eats spaghetti like that? Am I the only one seeing that this bulk of spaghetti is still raw in the middle? Why would you wrap them like that? They cook enevenly. And people gonna comment how good it looks and how talented he is but this is straight up stupid.

  3. Лидия Котикова
    Лидия Котикова says:

    ЮТ! Я даже мечтать не могла о таком оформлении раздела " Смотреть позже"! Вы большой умница, прекрасное оформление, огромное спасибо! Это мне будет подарок! Вы не передумали за Пейзажи? Дать знак Вы можете!


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