A DAY at HOME with me after the DENTIST!

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I’m going to move that copper mesh up off the soil – my dad thinks it might be toxic to the plants* It’s a day at home for me today, …

30 replies
  1. @theshaulfamily
    @theshaulfamily says:

    I cant get a dentist , I had to have my wisdom tooth out a few months ago, luckily I got appointment with emergency dentist and she was lovely and took it out then and there. I dont think ive tried tofu

  2. @TheThriftyGma
    @TheThriftyGma says:

    I'm lucky with our dentist too, and I can get in same day for an emergency appt if needed. It takes me about 4 – 6 hours for the freezing to leave my mouth.
    You can remove the bottom 1/3 leaves from the tomato plants, as you want all the plant strength to go to the upper leaves that will produce the fruit. I made a big stir fry the other day too. Hubby just loves it. I fry cut up chicken breast, and then I add baby corn, water chestnuts, bean sprouts, Bok choy, sugar snap peas, broccoli, carrots, celery, fresh ginger, garlic, peppers, soy sauce and sesame oil and serve over Chinese noodles. So easy to make and tasty.

  3. @mariannetuite7411
    @mariannetuite7411 says:

    I love extra firm tofu, anything softer than that I don’t tend to use.
    I’m not exactly a picky eater, but I’m very picky with textures. Anything, soft, mushy, remotely baby food-like, or too wet isn’t getting anywhere near me. To the point it triggers my gag reflex. I was once told by a doctor that that was potentially something to do with being born prematurely. But how true that is, I don’t know

  4. @suzie5772
    @suzie5772 says:

    Our dentist has just gone private, my check up in March revealed that I needed an extraction and a replacement filling despite regular check ups. Omg, nearly £400 later, had the work done last Friday, feeling battered and bruised. I dislike the dentist, bad experiences when I was young. There are no NHS dentists in our area. ❀ love your videos, they always cheer me up x

  5. @karen4you
    @karen4you says:

    You had a different sort of day. They must use a lot of numbing medicine but hopefully it will be a long lasting filling. More storms here again! Your plants doing so well.

  6. @helenq479
    @helenq479 says:

    After seeing you had a shopping trolley to help you carry lots of items, i bought one from argos, it's like a tardis inside.. I've yet to use it though, if people want to stare at me using it.. let them… πŸ˜…


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