A Creative Cajun-Inspired Meal

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We could call it Giz-bo-layah. Using up a pile of produce frozen from my garden, various meats, including gizzards and chicken …

38 replies
  1. Gina S
    Gina S says:

    Molly I wanted to know how you cleaned the gizzards, there’s that weird white area on them that’s like rubber bands…do you cut that off? Loved the kids at the end!!

  2. S W
    S W says:

    hi Molly, i make meat loaf in my instantpot & never use manual release b/c the meat would seize up & get tough. So maybe try 5 min for gizzards but let pressure subside on its own. Takes longer but meat will be more tender.

  3. DIYfferent
    DIYfferent says:

    What a great first episode. I'm not a big fan of cooking videos and almost skipped this one but you guys did make it pretty fun to watch. But I'll still be skipping the organs 🤢!

  4. marie leopold
    marie leopold says:

    So…after allllll that…it makes you laugh? LOL! Looks YUM by golly, Molly! I'll never look at another chicken the same way. I suppose you could call it a; 'HEARTY' stew (my take). I canNOT get over how on your first attempt, the lights went out = STRANGE! Perhaps this wonderful stew is deemed somehow 'conspiratorial'? Thanks 4 sharing yet another talented side of yourself Molly, and thanks to cameraman/light tech and sound and editor; THE BARRY! and to two cute guinea pigs! Health and God Bless y'all! 🙂

  5. freaky geak
    freaky geak says:

    is the young lady laughing at the idea of messing up the rice with the rice feature on the cooker ? or did she manage to eat a funny bone that slipped into the meal ??? 😜☺👍 thanks for sharing

  6. Rhodes Bauer
    Rhodes Bauer says:

    In Brazil it is quite common to make chicken hearts in the barbecue. Put a bunch of them in a spike, alternating the big part with the small part and let it there until they are brown… very tastifull…

  7. Paige
    Paige says:

    Great job! Didn't know you liked cooking. I am starting to. It wasn't until your video that I learned that you could rest the Insta-Pot lid on the side. Having lived in the south all of my life, I have never had chicken gizzards or other organs. MAYBE one day I will try it.

  8. Patricia Simmon
    Patricia Simmon says:

    Thanks Molly! Really want to make a big pot of this so I can have several meals throughout the week. Wasn’t sure if your daughter was laughing because she was being filmed, or did she hear about the “guinea pig” comment? Thoroughly enjoyed the video. 💕from Ky.

  9. S Hodson
    S Hodson says:

    Great way to use up gizzards and hearts! Oddly the one ingredient I couldn’t get past my family would be the okra 🤷🏼‍♀️🤷🏼‍♀️.
    I enjoyed this video Molly, great job


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