One-Pot Vegan Dinners Ready in 30 Minutes!

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Learn how to make 2 flavor-packed vegan meals! Both require one pot and are ready in 30 minutes πŸ™‚ – OPEN FOR MORE + THE FULL RECIPE – ⋇ IN THIS …

35 replies
  1. Y K
    Y K says:

    Over 10,000 sq km of Amazon forests razed to the ground in 2019.

    The video was preceded by an advertisement selling fish.

    And here comes recipes for doing the world a favour.

  2. Rio DJeNIRO
    Rio DJeNIRO says:

    Welcome back!! Hope you enjoyed your break, congrats on your new fur baby. I MISSED your vegan cooking. Both these meals look DELISH!! WILL be saving them in my file. Thank you!! Looking forward to more recipes and meeting your new little guy.

  3. Kylie Knight
    Kylie Knight says:

    Happy to see you guys back πŸ™‚ loved this video. I really want to make that red curry dish looks amazing πŸ˜‰ can’t wait to see your new pupper on your videos πŸ™‚

  4. Adrianna the Kitteh
    Adrianna the Kitteh says:

    I've missed your YouTube videos so much haha but I've been keeping up with you two and your dogs on IG πŸ€—πŸ€© I hope you two are doing well and feel refreshed from the YT break πŸ™ŒπŸ½

  5. Margaret B
    Margaret B says:

    I have just realised, I have never really eaten ramen XD I guess high time I tried it πŸ˜€ Your looked absolutely delicious!
    Anyways, sending you lots of love!
    Stay safe and sound!

  6. Margaret B
    Margaret B says:

    First and foremost- MISSED YOU GUYS(not using instagram, so even more)! Buy I am super happy you have had a chance to rest, especially having a new family member! You really seem to be happy to restart filming πŸ˜€

  7. Reyana Zuber
    Reyana Zuber says:

    Wow! These look fantastic! I have been feeling uninspired and bored with cooking this past few weeks, but I just added both of these to my meal plans for hubby and me next week and I'm VERY EXCITED to try them! Thank you for inspiring me again! Glad to have you back, I hope you're feeling recharged after your break! <3


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