I just got off a long WORK DAY – I’m making a PERFECT CHICKEN & POTATOES RECIPE for DINNER

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I just got off a long work day and if you are currently working two jobs or long hours like myself and Cloud, I have a perfect …

48 replies
  1. MamaG
    MamaG says:

    Mujeres Trabajadoras y luchonas. Las amoooo. Thank you for sharing your recipes . I will try making this esta semana. Muchos besos y abrazos 🫶🏽🫶🏽🫶🏽💜💜💜

  2. sheila diebel
    sheila diebel says:

    As always a recipe from you is a must to try. I think I will purchase extra chicken breasts at Costco and do up a few of these and freeze so I can just take out of the freezer the day I want it. That marinade will really penetrate into the chicken then. YUM Thank you beautiful lady

  3. hey guys
    hey guys says:

    Sorry 😞 I need to unsubscribe to your videos now, after watching stuff on cartels I have no appetite for Mexican food, I’m now boycotting everything Mexican including and especially avocados.

  4. kimmy0868
    kimmy0868 says:

    I e learned how to make the absolute BEST Mexican dishes on this channel, esp the Birria taco and the chili, girl they just about lick the pot!!! Many many thanks for doing what you do, we appreciate it❤

  5. chur ghee
    chur ghee says:

    👋 my beautiful friend's this lovely cooking recipes so absolutely delicious marinated chicken breast flavours YUM& all baked 🥔 THNX making Stephanie and Cloud🦾♥️🙏🍛🍛🎥

  6. Leah Ramirez
    Leah Ramirez says:

    Is it really necessary for me to wash my cilantro? I've read that soaking in a bowl and then letting dry is the correct way. But this always seems to make it wilt. Also, what's the best way to keep fresh cilantro? BTW, I love your kitchen…and your channel.

  7. Cynthia Jones
    Cynthia Jones says:

    Chicken lovers will you go to heaven? Ever lie, steal, used God's name as a curse word (O-M-G)? Still think your good? According to God's law, you're guilty. Wait, God loves you, he made a way out. God so loved the world that he gave his son that whoever believes in him will not die but have everlasting life. John 3:16 Jesus died for you, believe & repent.

  8. Savannah Fajardo
    Savannah Fajardo says:

    Thank you for making this recipe meal prep friendly, Steph 🫶Expecting baby #2 and my husband works long days so I am looking for delicious recipes I can prepare before baby arrives when I’m too tired to cook. I love how flavorful your recipes are, I’m definitely adding this one to my list!


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