This Diet Transformed Our World

This Diet Transformed Our World

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Are you struggling with your weight or your health? You might be surprised to learn that the diet you’ve been advised to eat for …

10 replies
  1. Carbage Man
    Carbage Man says:

    I like to distinguish between dieting and following "a diet." I follow a diet in the traditional, rather than colloquial sense. I generally don't eat sugars, grains, other starches, seed oils or trans-fats. I avoid most fruits, but I occasionally have some berries in a post-workout shake. I occasionally enjoy fruits and vegetables with moderate sugars and starches (tomatoes, peppers, squash, red onion…)

    This is a diet I can stick to and enjoy by indulging in healthy fats and proteins, without overdoing it.

  2. Erin Go-Bragh
    Erin Go-Bragh says:

    People complain about Keto not being sustainable, yet this boils down to being perceived as 'quick & easy' or put another way 'convenient for me' That's why it's hard to break away from carbs, especially processed/ultra-processed foods which is a large problem. I have an obese daughter who tried Keto but said it's unsustainable, which really amounted to…I want my carbs, but this is all shrouded in a 'balanced diet' narrative. Keto can be pretty simple; I know I started with bacon and eggs…filling and easy. To me, sustainable.

  3. Alan greg
    Alan greg says:

    The standard american diet proves that plant based diets do not work. Since it's implementation we have become sicker and fatter. All you have to do is look at the statistics.

  4. ppe
    ppe says:

    I know I'm the anomaly but I never went on a diet. It's because I observed so many ppl diet & so much suffering cuz of Jojo effect, hormonal imbalance, frustration & eating disorders. So I swore to myself to never ever go on a diet & if I were to change my way of eating it would be a permanent lifestyle, not a diet. So I started keto 1,5 years, went ketovore 6 months & transitioned into carnivore. Now my health markers are more than excellent. They were very poor (prediabetic & autoimmune illnesses) before starting this lifestyle.


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