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37 replies
  1. Mommy Of 6
    Mommy Of 6 says:

    I'm home all the time too, had a surprise baby at 40 years old who is now 6 soon to be 7 I feel like I don't do enough either. But we just have to give ourselves grace. As long as the house isn't a health hazard then it's okay lol.

  2. Jennifer Gragg
    Jennifer Gragg says:

    My fiancé works night shift and I work day shift so I don’t make our bed but to be honest part of it for me is laziness because he sleeps in his recliner a lot! I tell myself that I’m not making it in case he decides to sleep in the bed! 😂😂 I can relate to the changing of sheets once a month too but I’ve started changing them more often recently like once a week or once every 2 weeks! Whenever I get an itch to do it I guess lol! We don’t have any kids but we live with my mom right now to help everyone financially so it’s an interesting situation lol! 💜💜

  3. Steph H
    Steph H says:

    Very helpful. I have the FlyLady app that helps with daily things but I do struggle with keeping a cleaning schedule of any kind. We have 4 kids and they're all at home with us so far – a college senior, a college freshman (high functioning on the spectrum), a sophomore in high school (but low functioning on the spectrum), and our youngest turns 7 today. So, between taking care of the younger 2 and getting them off to school and back home and working full time from home (2 part-time online jobs), I struggle with energy and time management. I get overwhelmed a lot. I've tried multiple times to come up with daily, weekly, and monthly cleaning schedules but just haven't found anything I've stuck with yet. I don't know if that's an issue with me or with the plans I've tried, but you've given me inspiration to try again. ❤️

  4. Christina In Michigan
    Christina In Michigan says:

    I found last year at my sisters with those kind of floors you have to vacuum instead of sweeping works better and takes less time. I still have carpet so I have to vacuum everyday. That might help cut down some time for you. Since my husband and I are both home he helps a lot. I’ll cook but he washes dishes which isn’t much unless we have the grandkids for the weekend. It is so much easier now with no having to work and both the kids are grown and have their own places with kids now lol. They feel the pain now with cleaning their houses and having littles lol. My older grand boys are 11 and 10. They do their own laundry and enjoy it. Washing, drying and folding is fine but I hate putting clothes away. I always have.

  5. paula elves
    paula elves says:

    my mother always said whites,darks and coloureds,,yes if they are new, but after a few washes, they are going in together,,i aint got time to be messing about with washing,and tye dyed looks good on everyone haha…seriously though i,ve never had an issue mixing xxx

  6. renee lopez
    renee lopez says:

    My dog follows me around too. And I also sweep around her outline. When I’m doing laundry she lays in my path creating a speed bump. 🤦🏻‍♀️ Your dog had me cracking up

  7. Lisa Jones
    Lisa Jones says:

    I'm having trouble with getting my house work and cooking dinner, so you aren't alone. Going through this depression and anxiety is allowing myself to do a little everyday, and work 3 days….so your not alone.❤😃🙃🙂😊😁😎

  8. Kim Johnson
    Kim Johnson says:

    Lately I have been dealing with some medical stuff as have two other family members that I am involved in, taking a lot longer to get daily stuff done. Lots of appointments. Hoping there is a light at the end of this tunnel soon. Sheets, girl you do you. In a perfect world would it be more often, probably but you know life and I for one am not spending every minute of my life cleaning.

  9. JoAnn Carpenter
    JoAnn Carpenter says:

    You’re doing great Tamara, I also wash my bedding once every 3-4 weeks as I have to go to the laundromat so that’s what I can afford! I have OCD so I obsess over cleaning – as I age I’m getting better tho! Thanks for the inspiration because I need to set a schedule rather than doing everything all at once!

  10. Christine Sturgill
    Christine Sturgill says:

    So funny. My husband works overnight. I don't make the bed everyday. The only time I make it is when I put fresh bedding on and he'll go into the bed to sleep and I'll hear him groan. Lol. He hates a made bed.

  11. Julie Glaze
    Julie Glaze says:

    I fully understand the mama anxiety and I’m here to tell you it doesn’t go away. I’ve got 1 son and he is 19. I still worry that he’s breathing and okay especially if it’s late morning and I haven’t seen him up yet. That mama anxiety is real and it is no joke! Also, I’m 44 and only started caring about making the bed about 2 years ago for the exact same reasons you mentioned. 😂

  12. Looks & Cooks Lindsay
    Looks & Cooks Lindsay says:

    This was so helpful. I have a really bad habit of just letting the house pile up and then having to take an entire day to clean everything. My problem is once I'm done, I expect it to stay that way like we aren't actively living here 😂 great video!


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