CHICKWHEAT! | How to make shreddable vegan chicken seitan | Mary's Test Kitchen

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28 replies
  1. Matthew Barlow
    Matthew Barlow says:

    I wonder if using chickpea flour would be easier and yield better texture than using whole chickpeas. Although, the flour isn't cooked and will expand, so that'll have to considered when substituting

  2. LoverofmySoul
    LoverofmySoul says:

    Tried this yesterday with only 1.5 cups of chickpeas. I also added 1 tablespoon of nooch. Shared it with a carnivore who said it tasted like chicken. It really reminded me of the cans of vegan duck I used to eat years ago.

  3. Renae Hooks
    Renae Hooks says:

    To anyone who has not made this, I urge you to make it. It is far from the chewy, wet & hard seitan recipes that are floating around out there. It is tender perfection. Don’t worry about the 2 hour instant pot cooking time. Watch tv, read a book, clean up, go to the gym, do something to fill that time.

    I didn’t realize how awful most seitan recipes are until I had a cheesesteak from a Loving Hut. The tenderness of the seitan made me rethink everything I thought I knew about seitan. This recipe mimics the tenderness I had in that cheesesteak. I also went to the original creators post and left a review, as I believe she deserves much praise.

  4. Rachel P
    Rachel P says:

    I'm modifying this recipe to make vegan doner kebab. Using lentils instead of chickpeas and not kneading it as long so that it is more brisket shred texture than totally shredable. And modifying the seasoning of course too. Hopefully it will be tasty! 🙏

  5. Ahlam Mallak
    Ahlam Mallak says:

    I created this myself without even knowing its a thing. I add chickpea flower instead of fresh chickpeas, it’s really better especially when you don’t have a food procesor

  6. Creepy Magdalena
    Creepy Magdalena says:

    Hi, my family and I are not vegan, but i tried this recipe and we all liked it so much that we decided to never eat real chicken again and will now also try other meat alternatives, so thank you very much for this video!!

  7. M N
    M N says:

    I'm new to this field so I don't know what the strong point of having soy free recipes are, but I'm pretty sure miso is made from soy beans….

  8. I Vegan
    I Vegan says:

    hi there Mary, is there a way to get the gluten taste completely out of the dough? I like the raw dough, which is weird, IK, but the cooked dough tastes really wheaty. What can I do? I know that making the wheat gluten by hand doesn't have that taste, but I clogged my plumbing the last time I did that, so my husband said not to do it anymore. It was just the starch water, so I don't know why it clogged. I even put a fine sieve over the drain to be sure. Maybe the starch got clumpy in the drain, idk.

  9. Tim B. Green
    Tim B. Green says:

    Thanks Mary,

    Great video:-)

    I have an idea I want to test. I have both chickpeas and chickpea flour, so I'm gonna try to jump the gun and use chickpea flour to speed the process;-)

    tim b. green

  10. דניאל דניאל
    דניאל דניאל says:

    I just made it! The texture is amazing but the taste is digusting.. it came out a lil bit sour (and i didnt put the cider vineger at all) and taste like bread.. how can i improve it for the next time? I add also a tsp of liquid smoke and a tsp of nutrtional yeast powder.


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