I Tried Chinese Confinement After Giving Birth

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I Tried Chinese Confinement After Giving Birth Join me as I navigate postpartum, the Chinese confinement way with my pui yuet …

26 replies
  1. Taylor R
    Taylor R says:

    I’m seeing a lot of comments about the “no crying” 😆😭 here’s more on that:
    In the past Mothers we’re told to rest their eyes so no reading, crying (nowadays the strict traditional pui yuets will say no screens). It stems from traditional Chinese medicine and the belief that the liver is linked to the eyes. It’s said that the large loss of blood during childbirth may weaken the eyes because blood is related to the Liver. We didn’t follow this rule, I believe most don’t nowadays, but things like goji berries were a big part of my diet to help with eye health.

  2. uniqueness00
    uniqueness00 says:

    Im 7 months pregnant and I cried my eyes out when Carol left .. I totally understand the emotions you had having someone take care of you during postpartum.. it’s very important to have good people around you during that time.. I would totally do it ❤️

  3. uniqueness00
    uniqueness00 says:

    Im 7 months pregnant and I cried my eyes out when Carol left .. I totally understand the emotions you had having someone take care of you during postpartum.. it’s very important to have good people around you during that time.. I would totally do it ❤️

  4. Mashimairu
    Mashimairu says:

    I had a c-section and did this one month confinement, i hated at first since it felt like being a prison but i can say that it was worth it looking back, i “bounced “ back and i bonded with my child more than my friends who had kids and didn’t recovered after giving birth

  5. RealDream112
    RealDream112 says:

    I live in Canada and my son is eight and half months. I would have loooved to have that postpartum experience, just watching you I could feel so many benefits from it! Thank you so much for sharing your journey, that woman has such a peaceful and calm energy, I've never met her but I love her! If she ever comes to Canada I'll try to match my second pregnancy with her traveling 🤣 Your little boy is beautiful ❤❤❤

  6. KAlexandra
    KAlexandra says:

    Taylor, You are strong and beautiful and… Real. How refreshing. Thank you for sharing your journey. What a beautiful family! (I'm now off to buy a case of black sesame seeds. Gonna toss those things on everaaaythang.)

  7. frightfrenzy
    frightfrenzy says:

    I love this video! Thank you for sharing your experience. I had just given birth back in Jan and had been dreading confinement. However after going through it, I realized how much all women who have just given birth needs it. It was so healing and My body felt great after!

  8. katquinto
    katquinto says:

    Thank you so much for sharing with us Taylor. This was so helpful, interesting and heartwarming. Much love and blessings to your family and to Carol! Couldn’t help but cry at the end too xx

  9. Heather Shaw
    Heather Shaw says:

    This video is amazing! Thank you for putting so much time and care into it. It's really eye-opening to see how much other cultures value caring for women after birth, while it feels so neglected in the West. I am definitely going to invest in wrapping when I have kids!

  10. Cloud Color
    Cloud Color says:

    So glad you didn’t give up on breastfeeding 🤍 sadly some women give up just after a few days or weeks because they didn’t have the support & encouragement.. super happy for you and baby!

  11. meg grotte
    meg grotte says:

    I don't have any children but I think if I did I'd probably try most of this. I'm not really sure if I'd feel comfortable having someone a massage my chest . probably do too weird drama but anyways yeah stuff seems pretty good.

  12. DonutGobbla
    DonutGobbla says:

    I would 1000% do this, I had a doula during pregnancy, and for a few weeks after, but a whole month either someone to help heal me. I needed that desperately. I wish I knew about this. but here in the states we call a post partum doula.

  13. G'Day G'Day
    G'Day G'Day says:

    You Taylor are such a beautiful soul and your son is very blessed to have both of you as parents. May you all live very long, happy, healthy lives surrounded by love and laughter. 💙💙

  14. Helga Ioannidis
    Helga Ioannidis says:

    In Greece it's the first 40 days after birth that mother and baby are supposed to stay at home and rest. It's expected that some female family member will move in for that time and take care of the household. Usually it's the mother, but it can also be a sister or another family member.


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