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This was an unplanned meal prep. In this video, I show you what i do when I don’t plan a normal meal prep, but decide to just …

24 replies
  1. Jessica Gilbert
    Jessica Gilbert says:

    Omg what's this bone both 😋 is there a video for the homemade broth! 😍 love your videos! Love how to the point and easy you make things! xo
    (Also I can't stand how adorable the babies are!!🥰🥰😍)( And 🥳🥳🙌👏🙌 to your daughter!! 🌟🎊🎉🎆 yay! Aww proud mama🥰🤗)

  2. Patricia Thompson
    Patricia Thompson says:

    So absolutely proud of your daughter for all her accomplishments. Not an easy road to get to from where she began. Congratulations to her and you her parents. Thank you for sharing that with us.

  3. Barb S
    Barb S says:

    Hi Kristi, How proud you deserve to be. Congrats on Kaitlyn's achievement. With determination, and well earned.❤ The fruit salad looked so yummy. Lyla looks like her brother. She's growing fast. Enjoy, my friend. 💕💕

  4. Sylvia Mennelli
    Sylvia Mennelli says:

    Your grandchildren are adorable. I miss those days. They grow up so fast. My granddaughters are now 17, 24, & 27!! Thank you for teaching me how to peel the butternut squash around the seeds. Quicker & not frustrating to get the seeds out. Ty so much. I love your YouTube’s. Filled with great ideas.

  5. Tracy A. Mead
    Tracy A. Mead says:

    HUGE CONGRATULATIONS to Kaitlyn!!!! What an awesome accomplishment!!!! OMGosh your Grandbabies are so adorable!!! Such a wonderful meal prep; everything looked so yummy! I truly enjoyed this video! Have a wonderful (and yummy) week!! 💕💕💕

  6. Tinee
    Tinee says:

    Great video and cute grandkids awwww. I have 2 of my grandkids this week for spring break. I'm definitely gonna order those salad containers to help my lettuce last longer. I'm so jealous of how healthy u can eat. Lol 😆 ya never miss that stuff until you can't eat it no more. I miss alot of it.

  7. Connie Bryant
    Connie Bryant says:

    Congratulations to your family on your daughter’s amazing success story! What a testament to others and their families who struggle with addiction. Her hard work is paying off and I’m sure you are super proud! 🥰

  8. Janice Gudding
    Janice Gudding says:

    Congrats to your daughter! Your grandkiddos are so cute. 2 of my 6 grandkids live down the street from me. I see them everyday. My other 4 are 6 hours away. Havent seen them since Christmas. They have all been sick off and on the last few months. We are all planning on getting together for Easter cant wait 😍😍😍. Have a great day

  9. mollytigger
    mollytigger says:

    A very big Congratulations to your daughter. I can only imagine how proud you are of her. She is an inspiration to many. Shie also very pretty like her mom. Also, I purchased for the first-time a fresh pineapple. I cut it up and put it in a plastic container. I had some and when I went to get more the next day, some of the pieces looked either like black or brown on them. Were they going bad already or is that normal?


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