9-5 Working Mom: Healthy What I Eat in a Day | 16:8 Intermittent Fasting & Low Carb

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Hello friends and fellow working mom warriors! Today I’m sharing what I eat in a day as a full-time work from home mom! I have …

16 replies
  1. 09gamecock
    09gamecock says:

    Costco had a 2 pack of
    Sirracha today…one was green and the other one appeared to be the regular kind for $7.49 for both! That was in Savannah GA but I’m sure you could call or look online near you to see if they have it!

  2. Mich
    Mich says:

    Oh wow! So nice to know you eat lower carb and do IF as well! I do the same… I am just doing it in a calorie deficit because I'm trying to lose weight. Been working pretty great so far. Thanks for sharing this with us! ❤️

  3. Lauren B
    Lauren B says:

    Oh my goodness I totally needed this giant kick in the rear end LOL! I fell horribly off the wagon, we just moved to Missouri in July (originally a Jersey girl here also, born and raised 😊) and it’s been quite a transition, and I didn’t take as much time off as I probably should have. I’m WFH , 4 -10hr shifts with my toddler. I only have double duty every other week but the ON weeks are HARDDD, and the stress eating has been real! Thank you so much for posting I ADORE your videos and I’m going to restart my intermittent fasting. I have felt like crap for weeks and I was a goal crushing warrior when I fasted lol! Thanks again ❤ hope your having a good week!!


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