#83: PUFA | Spike Protein | Low Testosterone | CO2 | Social Media Breaks | Allopregnanolone

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26 replies
  1. Oskar Edwall
    Oskar Edwall says:

    I'm having goats in Sweden. It's so nice milk! 🙂 Kefir grains are perfect way to preserve it also. But I'm thinking of going somewhere else. Could I join you in Mexico mby. I am experienced with animals and growing things , I'm also a good carpenter:)

  2. interior ocean
    interior ocean says:

    Rather than mixing compost in I recommend you spread it on top to make beds. Clay soil is very mineral rich and good for holding moisture. Plants also root well into clay. You just don't want it exposed. I like 1.2 m or 4 ft beds with 40 cm or 16 inch paths in between. If you want to kill perennial weeds you'll need around 15 cm or 6 inches of compost or cover with cardboard and less compost or first cover for a few months with polythene and then make the beds. Annually spreading 2-3 cm or 1 inch of compost is enough for at least two crops. When you don't disturb the soil you don't get much weeds unless you're spreading weedy compost. It also retains moisture better, has better infiltration and encourages soil life.

    I spread around 20m3 of mushroom compost this spring for trees, shrubs and new vegetable beds. And now I have a hot compost 1,2×1,3x1x3m or 4×4.3×4.3ft compost reaching 70c 155f consisting of cow manure and hay, green waste, coffee grounds and kitchen waste. Another great material for compost for perennials and paths is arborist wood chip (quite green, gets quite hot in a pile). If you're in a dry climate you can also add some straw or hay mulch to keep in even more moisture. I can't do that unless I want to get infested with a million slugs.

    Check out Charles Dowding, he done this for over 40 years and has plenty of quality youtube videos.

  3. R E
    R E says:

    Would love some discussion on acid reflux. Can’t get rid of mine and it’s even present when I don’t eat (24+ hour fasts). Super frustrating.

  4. Isak Tougaard
    Isak Tougaard says:

    Hey Danny, I think I have found something very important for metabolism, which the bioenergetic paradigm does not yet propagate: Correct breathing, which influences CO2 tolerance, which dictates the level of CO2 retained in the body, which is crucial for proper cellular respiration (according to the Bohr-Haldane effect).
    I recently learned about this in a book called "Oxygen Advantage".

    It is almost effortlessly trainable with zero cost tools:
    Breathholds while walking to gradually increase CO2 tolerance is probably the safest, lowest effort, most generative "exercise" I have come across.
    In a nutshell: Walk at a normal pace, breathe exclusively through your nose, hold the breath after a gentle exhalation for several paces until you feel a moderate hunger for air, and then resume normal breathing for a minute, repeat several times. If you need more than three big breaths to resume normal breathing, you over did it.
    Test your progress by measuring your BOLT score (Body Oxygen Level Test).
    If your BOLT score is higher after exercise, you did it correctly and vice versa.
    After a normal exhale, pinch your nose shut and time how many seconds it takes for you to feel a definite desire to breathe. Over 20 is healthy. 40 and above is exceptional. Under 20 is a problem. Under 10 and you are on your way to hospital sooner or later.

    We all think so much about diet, environmental influences, and movement for health – but breathing habits are largely overlooked. Isn't that interesting? If we can entrain the body to retain more CO2 in daily life, that would increase mitochondrial density and energy production remarkably, wouldn't it?
    Maybe this is why some people appear to need thyroid chronically – they never reset their CO2 tolerance (which seem to be lowered by long term stress), and thus never have the requirements for optimal cellular respiration.

    What do you think, Danny?
    Do you even see this messages anymore, or do you just auto-heart everything? 🙁

  5. Rey Love
    Rey Love says:

    The 68th Annual Bilderberg Meeting happening June 2-5 2022 in DC. Maybe that has something to do with the barricade. A secret meeting w/secret attendees paid for w/our tax money deciding the fate of the world. Lol. Insanity.


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