8 Billion People Worldwide Transmigrated into Minecraft, but ONLY HE Knows the CRAFTING RECIPES

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Eight Billion People Transmigrated into Minecraft Simultaneously. On the First Day of Transmigration, While Everyone Else …

43 replies
  1. @mailleweaver
    @mailleweaver says:

    Out of 8000 (or 9 billion or 900k, story is inconsistent) people, nobody just played around with logs in the crafting grid to figure out planks, sticks, and crafting tables. They must all be less intelligent than dogs. Even brute forcing every possible combination of logs, planks, and sticks in the crafting table wouldn't take long to figure out how to make tools. Then patterns start to emerge, suggesting further recipes. This story hinges on everyone in the world being incredibly stupid and nobody else in the world having played MC despite there being a MC creator, player base, and modders.

  2. @crystalroseblue6760
    @crystalroseblue6760 says:

    😊I played minecraft for 4 years…then they changed wiped out all my builds ,I was so furious disheartened I have not been able to go back.Maybe I will after this vidio It has peeked my enthusiasm again.

  3. @Thr33SixZer0
    @Thr33SixZer0 says:

    That sounds so boring. Only one person out of billions know how to play minecraft. Which doesnt make sense because even if people where brand new to minecraft a Gamer would easily be able to figure out the basic control. And I know for a fact that Blue Star has RPG games. Because it is mentioned in other manhuas.

  4. @kyuu-_-
    @kyuu-_- says:

    i mean this fic seems quite nice but i just cant help but question how incompetent the people are? its not that difficult to discover the craftingtable you have a distinct 2×2 field in your inventory and the only resources available at hand are dirt and wood so how come they havent converted the wood and then filled the whole field for experimentation and crafted that shit

    like fr the only things they can craft are: knob, sticks, and craftingtable


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