8 Best High-Fiber / Low-Carb Foods For Your Blood Sugar

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23 replies
  1. Janet Brown
    Janet Brown says:

    Well, I try to eat what I can. No seeds or cauliflower because I have Diverticulosis. Have to watch my calcium and iron because my red blood cells are way to high.( that has me at a very high risk for heart attack or stroke..Drs tried to get a pint of my blood and give me new blood..tried 5 times..could only get maybe 1/4 of ounce out of me ) so that leaves out spinach, kale and other greens. I do eat blue berries every morning. I don't need to loose weight either. Boiled eggs keep me regular. My.pancreaa only works at 43%. I am Diabetic Millitus due to an underlying condition. ( A failing Pancreas)Operation to remove Pancreas not an option because of a bad heart..but I'm not complaining..I am grateful for each new day God gives me.

  2. Josef Schiltz
    Josef Schiltz says:

    Hm. A narrator that comes off like a dodgy impersonation of Kermit. I think I'll go with the list. By the way. Heat and Vitamin C. I'd take down those percentages of the 'RDA' to a ridiculously small amount of what is actually needed and the so-called 'RDA' is ridiculously small for a mammal the size of a human being anyway.

  3. Rick Johnson
    Rick Johnson says:

    Lose the screw ball narrator and the music, why why why to these post think you've got to have music if i want tunes I'll turn them on. When I go to a site like this I want info NOT entertainment!!
    Narrator well never mind well yes to emotional.

  4. Noel Stephenson
    Noel Stephenson says:

    How about telling people that foods are high in magnesium & potassium are bad on kidney, I did not know it until I found out I have Stage 3 Kidney disease. I was on high fiber eating habit for years. Seems like a catch 22…


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