7 Frugal Tips to Save Money in the Kitchen | Cut the Grocery Bill! | Homemaking on the Homestead

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In Today’s video I’m sharing 7 Frugal Tips to Save Money in the Kitchen and help lower your grocery bill! My Muffin Mix: …

12 replies
  1. Katie Baldridge
    Katie Baldridge says:

    Great ideas and tips. One way I keep our grocery budget low is to shop the sales. If butter is on sale for $1.78/lb then I buy as much as I can. Sometimes stores have limits or I work within my budget. Sales tend to cycle in 6-12 week patterns. Buy knowing the lowest price (what I call my buy price) I know when I can buy enough to last until the next sale.
    Some things are cheaper to buy in bulk from azure like you mentioned…but not always 😉 it’s really knowing your prices and stocking up when they dip to the lowest price point.

  2. She Builds Her Home
    She Builds Her Home says:

    Oh yes batch cooking is so awesome! So much food sadly use to go to waste for us until I started meal planning now no more! It also saves money too that's very smart to use some of the things as veggie stock. Some of my best money saving is to meal plan also to shop your pantry and fridge first when thinking of said meals and using websites such as super cook to search for recipes with all that you have at home already ❤

  3. Kathy Bruns
    Kathy Bruns says:

    I always try to purchase my food as cheap as possible!. I use electronic coupons at Kroger and try to use them when the product is on sale. Then I redeem the points earned on my gasoline. Fill out surveys for more points. Once I was part of their survey team and they would send me free food and coupons beautifully boxed. Purchase most of their house brands as well. Stock up on sale items. When I cook hamburger I freeze some crumbled to put in spaghetti or on top pizza. Freeze peppers so they don’t waste away in my fridge. Stale bread makes good French toast or grilled cheese. Leftovers-yes please! Omelets are a good way to toss in veggies, cold meat, salsa. Stale soft tortillas are great baked with butter, sugar, and cinnamon. Last-I got rid of my keurig and use a Mr. Coffee.

  4. Mystical heart
    Mystical heart says:

    Thanks Crystal…I love your videos! I try to shop online once a week for grocery pickup at Walmart . That helps me a lot to stay out of the stores…thus less impulse buys, lol😇 (Isabella)

  5. Simple Christian Living
    Simple Christian Living says:

    My best tips are to be flexible. If something is a good deal/on sale at the grocery use it instead of a pricey item. Don't be picky nor brand loyal. The biggest money and health saver. Don't overeat. Understand a true portion size.

  6. Kristie Lagasse
    Kristie Lagasse says:

    Gardening and when my husband goes hunting or fishing, that helps us save. We do not buy sodas or juice . We do milk, teas, coffee and lots of water. Lastly, we buy three big turkeys when they go on sale for 68 cents a pound. We can get so many meals throughout the year with just the three turkeys.

  7. Angie Wood
    Angie Wood says:

    I used all the tips mentioned in your video when my kids were all home. It's down to just the two of us and I don't cook nearly as much unless everyone is coming over. Now I usually cook 3 meals per week make enough to have leftovers for 3 nights and a couple of lunches and then we eat out on Friday night. Even then we usually split a meal or either go to a place that we know we will have leftovers for the next day. And I to would save all the "not enough for leftovers" items in a gallon ziploc bag in the freezer. My bags would have all kinds of beans, rice, mashed potatoes, any kind of vegetables, meats, gravies etc. It really did make the best ever soup! If you can find an Amish store they have great prices for spices and such. Having a garden in the summer really saved us money. Many times we had what my kids called garden meals. Everything from the garden served with cornbread or biscuits and some kind of dessert. While canning fruits and vegetables from the garden may not have been cheaper after buying canning supplies the quality of the food was always superior. I think a huge money saver is just stay out of the stores by only going when you need to buy groceries. And always have a list from what you have meal planned!

  8. Beth Smith
    Beth Smith says:

    Thank you for your tips & videos. I enjoy your channel. It's like sitting down to chat with a friend. I try to cook simple meals that are quick for weeknights. We both work full time. When I can I try to double the main dish & put one in the freezer for later.

  9. Anita Marshall
    Anita Marshall says:

    Thank you Crystal for these great reminders!
    I like to shop several of our local grocery stores whenever they have buy one get one free deals I only buy BOGO products that we use on a regular basis, otherwise I’m not saving money if I buy some thing that we do not normally use.
    Another way we save , and I know a lot of people are not able to do this, but we buy cows that are either pregnant or have calves at their sides, calve or raise and feed them.Then have our meat butchered by a local processor who charges the same per pound whether it’s hamburger or tenderloin steaks. We have some friends that are not able to do this so they go to the meat processor and order a quarter or a half of a beef and fill their freezer.

  10. Adrienne Burroughs
    Adrienne Burroughs says:

    You covered so many great tips that I already utilize in my home! One thing I can think of is saving leftover bread. I usually save it for making breadcrumbs or bread puddings. It can be used for casserole toppings,croutons etc.. We received a restaurant gift certificate for Christmas. We had several condiments left over( sour cream,ranch dressing,butter). Don’t throw those away. We rarely eat out ,but if we do I even save the napkins!😂 I used those condiments and some leftover mashed potatoes to make a twice baked potato casserole. It was delicious!
    I am trying to be even more frugal in the kitchen this month than normal to offset some pretty pricey first of the year expenses. Having reminders like you gave will help! Thanks Crystal.


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