7 Day Potato Reset in a Van [DAY 2]

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26 replies
  1. Jessica Moon
    Jessica Moon says:

    How did you prepare the instant potatoes? Just curious for when I’ve been in a pinch and that was all I had available. I know they are good with margarine and almond milk lol but obviously that defeats the purpose of the reset! So how did you guys make them? Thank you! Love your book! I have the hard copy in my kitchen!! And love your blogs and videos! A big source of inspiration to me! I always rewatch when I’m in a bad place or need motivation. Thank you so much for all you do!! Hope your babies are better now!

  2. wandadiane .pants
    wandadiane .pants says:

    Penny is probably swallowing a lot of the water when she plays in it 🙁 I wonder if that alone could make her tummy upset. My nephew dog throws up after playing in the water too much, as well.

  3. Sarah Harlow
    Sarah Harlow says:

    I used to LIVE off of instant mashed potatoes in my late teens and twenties but in my forties I've levelled up now I'm actually in love with my pressure cooker!! #mashforever #madmash I just love seeing the girls. They are so adorable! Hope their tummies are better now 🙂 x

  4. sn232
    sn232 says:

    Chewable papaya enzymes broken into tiny bits helped a dog we knew when she was barfing. Also canned pumpkin in small amounts helped when switching food, not sure if that would help your pups? You can get charcoal capsules or tablets at drug stores.

  5. Our Slow Simple Life
    Our Slow Simple Life says:

    Do the dogs eat plant based food as well? I make my own hummus, it's definitely not as good as store bought but it's oil free (and I don't use tahini). I think it's a forks over knives or Dr. McDougall recipe.

  6. Leigh K
    Leigh K says:

    Looks like you're in PCB. I just got an airfryer for potato wedges but I'm like you instant sounds good tonight. I'm going to look for that vegan gravy. Mushroom flavor would be good.


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