6 Ground Beef Recipes For Busy Weeknights | Pantry Clean Out Meals

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If you’re looking for quick, easy and affordable meals that you can make in a hurry, then check out these six recipes for busy …

29 replies
  1. At Home with Texas Girl
    At Home with Texas Girl says:

    All the meals looked great! I made garlic bread sloppy joes before and my family wasn't a fan. I was shocked ๐Ÿ˜‚ but i think its bc they dont like sloppy joe sauce. I bet if I use marinara sauce they'd like it better.
    Your so lucky to not have picky eaters โค

  2. Christopher Vogt
    Christopher Vogt says:

    Great ideas for ground beef, Maria. Being from the northeast myself, do you ever make American Chop Suey? If you do, would love to see your take on it. Always one of my absolute favorites since childhood! Made it yesterday as a matter of fact and am now enjoying the leftovers. Lol!

  3. Holly Fink
    Holly Fink says:

    Sometimes if I have to brown to much meat, I take out half to refreeze for a different easy meal. So nice to have browned meat in the freezer. I just donโ€™t eat a lot of meat. ๐Ÿ˜Š

  4. Coloring Jenn 1975
    Coloring Jenn 1975 says:

    So many great budget friendly ideas Maria! Thank you so much sweetheart for all you do to help us all out with these fantastic recipes. I especially like the versatility in all of them, using what you have and customizing it to our families likes ! Great videoโคโคโค

  5. Lee Willers
    Lee Willers says:

    My mom had 5 of us and we were Hellions! Sheโ€™d clean and we would be right behind her making another mess! I donโ€™t have kids, but I have friends with 4-5 kids and the same thing happens with them. Thanks for the recipes!

  6. Lisa Pop
    Lisa Pop says:

    Technically, you can refreeze meat if you've defrosted it in the fridge and find that you didn't use it within a few days. I looked it up a few months ago for the same reason. The main thing is that it defrosted in the fridge and not on the counter


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