6 BEST CROCK POT Recipes WITHOUT “Cream of” soups | EASIEST recipes without canned soup

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Welcome to Feeding the Byrds! I have had a few people tell me that they don’t use their crock pot because “all of the recipes …

24 replies
  1. Why Cook by Cat Lover
    Why Cook by Cat Lover says:

    I love freezer meals. We are me and my husband. Freezer meals work for me because I work full time days, he works full time nights. I do like you said. Make my freezer meals to fit us. 4 pcs of chicken will be a dinner for both of us and one lunch. Great recipes. Thanks!

  2. Nope Nope
    Nope Nope says:

    Hey Amber! Thank you for these recipes I Am looking forward to trying some of these. In the potato soup recipe do you have a suggestion for a substitute for the butter? Butter is so pricey for us right now I Am looking for ways to continue to make good meals. Any suggestions are welcome💜.

  3. Venus Gal
    Venus Gal says:

    I was fortunate growing up in a casserole "cream of" era that my dad liked meat and potatoes and a veggie so rarely did my mom use a "cream of" soup. She did do tater tot hotdish which I disliked when it was big in the day and that used it. Other than that, I think she hardly used it. I probably used it once in my life cooking for my kids. After watching the tons of YT videos using it this past year or so, I thought okay why not give it a try. Yuck. I wouldn't say I can pick up on all processed foods/canned junk but I could immediately tell with "cream of". It was horrid and I was going by recipes that were supposedly so awesome. Rather than waste the other ingredients, I spent more than a day trying to get rid of that taste doctoring it in every way I could conceive of. I finally made it what I considered edible with a pretty good "homemade" taste. By that point the size of the meal had grown to far past a ton of leftovers proportions from adding liquids, onions, spices, tons of things to take away that taste. I ended up throwing the majority of it out. I am going back to how I always was which was I NEVER cooked with "cream of crap". And that's what it is. Imho.

  4. Stephanie Marie
    Stephanie Marie says:

    It’s like you read my mind! I recently developed a wheat allergy (in my 30s!) & am waiting for my allergy test results to be certain 😂 I was shocked to see that the cream of potato / mushroom cans I usually use in my pot roast crock pot recipe had WHEAT! It’s been quite an awakening to see how many foods have wheat & im slowly figuring out how to eat what I love and not hurt myself. ❤ Ty fam!!

  5. IAGrams
    IAGrams says:

    So funny! I made white chicken on Monday, compared recipes with a friend yesterday, and now you are making it! Something you may want to try, when using dried herbs, put them in the palm of your hand and then rub your hands together. Then add to the recipe. Sure makes the herbs smell better so I’m assuming there’s more flavor in the dish. Great video!

  6. Bonnie P
    Bonnie P says:

    So grateful for these not being cream of's. I try to take in the least amount of sodium that I can due to health reasons & the canned soups are loaded with sodium.

  7. Jennifer S
    Jennifer S says:

    I really want to try those sweet and sour meatballs. I use my crockpot weekly. Taking a chuck roast and making street tacos, barbecue beef or some type of Asian style beef is always a winner here.

  8. nellie bakare
    nellie bakare says:

    Hi I noticed you said you use a blender to smash up beans to thicken soup. If you do not have a blender you can put cup of beans in a bowl and use a fork to smash beans then mix in smashed beans back in soup! Another way to smash beans to thicken soup you can take a wooden spoon and smash beans on the side of pot. I really enjoy your recipes! NELLIE

  9. Erin James
    Erin James says:

    Never once used a cream of soup in any of my crackpot meals. A lil tip, get these "[NEW]KOOC Premium Slow Cooker Liners and Cooking Bags, Large Size Fits 4QT to 8.5QT Pot, 13"x 21" , 2 Packs (20 Counts), Equipped with Fresh Locking Seal Design, Suitable for Oval & Round Pot, BPA" from amazon. The bags don't leak like the Reynolds Crockpot Slow Cooker bags. There is plastic in everything. I literally don't care anymore. Arthritis doesn't care either.

  10. Mrs. Alma Trumble
    Mrs. Alma Trumble says:

    Perfect timing, planning out my meal plan for the next few weeks. I love crockpot meals. These will be so helpful while I'm taking care of my hubby after his hernia surgery. Ask y'all to please continue to pray for us. Thank you in advance. God Bless.


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