6/23 Anna Duggar Shares A Message To Her Fans!

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33 replies
  1. Bonnie Adkins
    Bonnie Adkins says:

    Fans ???? Sure, okay! Your "BESTIE" stabbed YOU in the back. Cheated on YOU multiple times, YOU are actually to old for Josh! He likes YOUNG, BABIES . Does he make you put your hair in pig tails? Talk baby talk to him? Shave all your hair. Suck your thumb? I don't care how you're raised, YOU do know the difference between a healthy relationship and a vile one, right? It's a SIN to divorce him but NOT A SIN to do what Josh has done since he was like 12. I think you need to change religion. My kids know the difference between right and wrong, do you?

  2. gerilynne1955
    gerilynne1955 says:

    Anna has gotten more beautiful as she ages. With him having such a beautiful caring, loving wife WHY? Just why would he do the crap he has done to his wife, his children and his whole family! People might have been able to forgive Josh for his young teen years. IF HE had gotten his life together. But No. The idiot didn't learn from his mistakes and he continued to make more and even worse mistakes. Sick. And we're not talking about good sick. But mentally ill sick.

  3. Jass Ray
    Jass Ray says:

    I have said many things to try to help Anna like everybody else but really it's her choice if she wants to be a single mom with no husband to bring home the bacon help with those seven children those 12 and a half years Josh is gone is a long time to be without a husband I know what I would do but it's her choice

  4. Jolene Halsey
    Jolene Halsey says:

    Well the kids need to go to foster home. Cps needs to get involved. They can get a court order. I guess her husband comes first instead of her kids. I really hope cps gets involved. Those kids need to be out of the duggers care

  5. Rebecca Stover
    Rebecca Stover says:

    Yes I have a comment every body out here on social media has the answers for Anna’s life but you know what I’ve never been so proud of this woman because she is putting all her trust in god to help her thru this horrible time in her life if people would truly know who god is they wouldn’t be so quick to bash this women pray for her instead of throwing her under the bus for loving her family and standing with faith yes her husband has committed a crime but everybody is throwing stones at this family pray for them and by the way pray for yourselves to leave god’s work up to him love your families leave your bashing to yourselves god is in control pray for this family where has forgivenesse gone this mother needs to know she is not alone god will help her walk this road but all the negative comments never help anything!

  6. LoAnne Martin
    LoAnne Martin says:


  7. Ristina Durivage
    Ristina Durivage says:

    I honestly think since JB and Michelle are supporting her, I thinks scared to leave. Also they probably have a lot of money and might of told her not to leave or else they might take the kids. I don’t think it’s something beyond them to try to fix their reputation.

  8. Special K
    Special K says:

    You didn’t go over the lyrics of the song she said she had on repeat… if you look at those lyrics, you understand that she is not alright, that she is trying, but feels lost. I don’t think saying 14 years since I said yes is her saying I’m not going anywhere… more like It’s been 14 years and I don’t know what to do when put into context of the song. Typically, I enjoy your commentary, however, on this one- I’m not sure you did your due diligence and it feels kind of like you let your biases/preconceived thoughts dictate the video path…

  9. Carrie Warner-Lopez
    Carrie Warner-Lopez says:

    Send her lots of gifts or even 5 dollars everyone who see s this don't pity her support her give her gifts and money there is plenty of earthly love to give without mentioning Josh or her difficult life

  10. Carrie Warner-Lopez
    Carrie Warner-Lopez says:

    Marriage is about commitment what would we do if the lord gave up on us for her to be God on earth is remarkable its not something most would do .She has the right to love and cover the ones she loves thats why there never even suppose to ask it is sacred.

  11. sherri holcombe
    sherri holcombe says:

    Happy Birthday Anna! 🎂🎉I hope you enjoy your special day….As a person who was in an abusive,toxic marriage to a narcissist who was a child predator I know it's not easy to leave especially when you've been groomed since birth to to exactly what Anna is doing- staying with Josh no matter what..I'm praying for her and her children.❤

  12. Melinda C
    Melinda C says:

    There's nothing wrong with "clinging to Jesus." However, I'm wondering if it's ever entered her mind that he may have molested their own daughters. So, if "come what may" means even if she finds out somehow that she finds out he has or may find out in the future he has and still stays, I will lose what shred of sympathy I have still left for her. That knowledge would never leave that family, of course. He would get additional prison time for that if it's true and law enforcement found out. He could spend the rest of his miserable life in prison for all I care about Josh Duggar. It's a great place for him, and at least she'd always know where he was and what he was doing. That sorry SOB!

  13. Bird V.
    Bird V. says:

    It's just a shame that Anna will be ok with her daughters to be in the same relationship with their husbands. And for her boys to be bad to their wives. And when she finally snaps and open her eyes. she better not be chingondo

  14. Sonjia Frank
    Sonjia Frank says:

    It is her life and if she wants to live it like she is all the more power to her. She is determined to do what she wants so I frankly don't care. I am just happy that a man who was pretending to be a Christian and doing all kinds of monstrous things is locked up so he cannot harm any children. If he had not been caught I am certain he may have gone on to play out the SA he was watching on the videos. If she wants to stay married to such a monster go right ahead, it is her life to be in a mess or whatever, she is an adult and can choose to stay married to a sick, pathetic, hideous monster. There are sickos who will even be corresponding with serial murderers in prison. All kind of weirdos out there just as long as this sicko of her husband is locked up.


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