#592 – INSTANT POT / MEATLOAF, Green Beans & Potatoes TOWER MEAL

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I stacked my whole meal in my Instant Pot and set it for 25 minutes! The meal took about 40 minutes tops! The meatloaf was the perfect texture and consistency it …

36 replies
  1. Elizabeth Shaw
    Elizabeth Shaw says:

    I just stick a knife in the middle and if it comes out really really hot it's done. I do have an instant read thermometer which would serve you better than that big meat thermometer that takes so long. You can get digital ones for not a lot of money and I don't have a digital one. My instant read thermometer is very small and has a dial just like yours does only it's a mini mini version and it gives you the temperature within a few seconds. There is a learning curve for all of us to use these things and I just ordered a ninja foodi a cord so it will be here soon. Thank you for sharing your video and giving me an idea for my Meatloaf I make dozens of types of Meatloaf but yours looks delicious too! πŸ™‚

  2. Jodene Antonson
    Jodene Antonson says:

    Yum! My Mom would make up a big pot of the spuds and green beans, with bacon of course, and we kids would eat it up! Great dish on a cold Winter night. Never thought of pairing it with meatloaf. I have to try that!

  3. Carrie Flynn
    Carrie Flynn says:

    Ms Brazell, I just love your videos. I just ordered one of these cookers and I can't wait to try this exact meal in it. I share a love of gold bracelets with you. I'm always trying to see which ones you have on . My wrists are tiny and they are harder to find in the shorter sizes of course I only buy them when they are a great deal and on sale.

  4. Donna Brooks
    Donna Brooks says:

    Omg…. Mz. B…. You remind me soo much of my Mama… God Rest her Soul…she could really cook…an she loved cooking half the time she couldn't tell us what she used because she never measured her stuff either.. πŸ˜ƒ That looks soo delicious… You always make me hunger. πŸ˜ƒ ❀
    God Bless You ❀ ❀

  5. Carol Church
    Carol Church says:

    Got the same ip I got the 8qrt duo .its s good one, if u like yogert, u need to try making the cold start .super easy and super good .There is one thing I couldn't take much of in that meal. The jalapeno whew .A bit much with that juice and ketchup too .Butstill looked good .so all u did is put ure green beans in the steamer basket together. And bacon on top?What do u season ures with please?Heres what I do,I just put then straight in the pot with beef broth, I mean my green beans and taters .with just bacon grease. Beer can chicken seasoning. Luv the stuff, sand p.but I'm thinking ure ways better.

  6. Dana Gonzales
    Dana Gonzales says:

    Thank you for this video. I've been dying to make meatloaf in my IP but was intimidated. Your video helps a lot. Is your pot an 8 quart? I have a 6 quart and don't think I could fit 2 pans in it, especially with the racks. Might need to get the bigger one now 😁

  7. i davo
    i davo says:

    Hello – I love your no nonsense approach to cooking. I live in England, have never had meatloaf before, but going to give it a try after watching you.
    Loved the comment about your clean hands.
    Parsley is a really good tasting herb, you should get some seeds & grow it fresh on your window or even buy a pot from your supermarket, use what you need & it will keep on growing as long as you water it.
    Just subscribed to your channel – your humour makes me laugh, I could sit with a cup of tea with you & thoroughly enjoy your company.
    Best wishes to you & your family.
    Take care.

  8. A'nnamaria Davis
    A'nnamaria Davis says:

    Wow Mz Brazell Learning more and More, So the title Instant pot,ultra mini Use it on time to cook beef ribs what a disaster well I guess I will be watching your Instant pot video now !! What a Great looking meal, Thanks for sharing !! πŸ˜€β€οΈπŸ˜€

  9. Becky Anderson
    Becky Anderson says:

    You are quickly becoming my favorite channel to watch! Your humor about washing your hands sometime last month cracked me up. You are a culinary genius girl. Chicken wings or neatloaf, now I have to decide which to try first!


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