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46 replies
  1. Barra Cycle
    Barra Cycle says:

    I never forget a video where you made a D Double E – It's Me Me reference and for that you are both a legend and very unique to this "Truther Community" bless up. Random comment I know!

  2. spider lady
    spider lady says:

    As an old woman who has studied history all my life I am delighted to see a young man working with inspiration, intuition and investigation on aspects of human life hidden away. Love your work. Respect!!!!!

  3. Edward
    Edward says:

    Congratulations Paul! I found your contents during the start of divoc and watch you grow. Well deserved and I know you will grow further. Make that money and please keep doing what you are doing. Cheers my G-zer, love and support from Canada ๐Ÿ‘

  4. 1960ARC
    1960ARC says:

    My cousin that when I was last in Malta worked at the Malta experience, took me down an extra level and showed me a huge area used as a dinning room.
    He said the actors from various movies dined there.
    He also said that there is literally another Valletta under ground, he said it's not open to the public, it's so big, people would get lost and never find their way out. Interesting talk as always.

  5. Michael Joshua Lewis
    Michael Joshua Lewis says:


  6. Susannah O
    Susannah O says:

    Hi from California; Dutchsince sent a shout out for you…I look forward to learning from you as well. Congrats on 50,000 subscribers…quite impressive! ๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ™

  7. Rdzr1.0
    Rdzr1.0 says:

    Every comment section I visit these days I give you a shout out @paul cook. Itโ€™s good to see the words getting around now your 50k plus and counting.

  8. dutchsinse
    dutchsinse says:

    Paul is doing a great job! He doesn't take crap from anyone, and he's got the fire under his feet to make more discoveries.

    And, his geopolymer mix idea on electricity through the brick isn't just a "good idea"… it's a GREAT idea!!!!!! and needs to be tried in many ways. I'm working on a graphene version, can't wait to see what Pauls does!!!!!!!

    An exciting time to be online.

  9. Dan North
    Dan North says:

    You tried vibrating the mix whilst trying to reproduce the way they created the geopolymer limestone, during the drying process….. I reckon you would get the mixture to stay consistent when drying an stop the glass forming at the front through settlement as its heavier. I reckon thats how they did it…. especially when you look into resonance theory an vibration. Your theory on the man made stone an moulds makes fucking sense on how they made things so big an with the detail involved…. an also they would have to vibrate the mix into such big mouldings like they do today with concrete beams to A take the air pockets out an B create a stronger product…. hence why 10 of 1000s of yrs later its still here. Just a thought. Channel excellent mate an helped me piece a few things together. Top man.


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