$50 Vegan Thanksgiving Dinner and Table Decor for Cheap | Dollar Tree and Aldi Groceries

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Vegan Thanksgiving Dinner on a Budget: Under $50! I Have something to say so the first 3-4 mins is me talking about why I’m …

21 replies
  1. Amblyomma americanum
    Amblyomma americanum says:

    Thank you. That was a touching intro. Been there myself before, and yep, I'm going through it again right now. Despite what some people claim, eating vegan already saves me some on my grocery bill. Meat and cheese are pretty pricey. My omnivore family members are struggling more than me so I'm hoping they like some of my dishes and see they can eat goooood with just inexpensive plants. This video lit a fire in my heart and got me thinking my holiday spread might not be as wimpy as I worried it'd be. Wonderful creativity, and thanks again for the video and your channel!

  2. Angela Channing
    Angela Channing says:

    Thanks for this video. I shop at the Dollar tree as a vegan all the time. My ancestors day meal will be vegan this year as well. My twin daughters requested it. Following you on your platforms has allowed me to make amazing soul food dishes that my family loves! I grew up on welfare so I definitely know how to make canned items delicious!

  3. NatureGirl215, LLC
    NatureGirl215, LLC says:

    Why did you make my heart smile and cry at the same time? I've been following you for a minute & imho this has to be the best video I've seen of yours. Transparent, full of information, & honesty. I've thanked you before for this & I'm thanking you again for this video. Lawd have mercy somebody get me some tissue ❤💯.

  4. Financial healthfirst
    Financial healthfirst says:

    Awesome video I try to tell people that eating healthy can be affordable. I am actually making your Tofu Stew recipe tomorrow and your macaroni recipe had everyone cleaning the pan… Great story for a Great Chef!


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