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30 replies
  1. Annette Prüfer
    Annette Prüfer says:

    Great advice, as always! Thank you!! I can only add (don't know, if you mentioned it in the other video), not to leave the TV on, when you are not watching, always switch off any screens, don't leave them on standby, if you have a balkony or evengarden, dry yiur washing outside, at least in summer.
    Open your windows in every room in summer very early in the hot months for about 15 minutes and then close them and all the blinds and/or curtains. It keeps the warm air out and the cooler air in and you don't have to switch on the AC or fan on at all or not, until it gets extreme. This might be harder in the states, because your windows are different from ours in Germany, but it is doable.

  2. Steven McMillian
    Steven McMillian says:

    I like Glasses USA. Way cheaper than Lens Crafters. I'm happy with my $35 glasses. The only thing I bought brand name was potato chips when I ate chips. I need to put insulation strips on windows and doors. I'm going to look to see which way my fan is going. Thank you for the tips. They have helped me save money.

  3. Lori Park
    Lori Park says:

    😂😂I immediately reached up and pulled the light chain. I leave them on too, I need to work on it. I won't buy generic laundry soap(still don't buy top brands though) or dish soap. Every time I give them another try, I regret it. I like to get decent inexpensive shampoo/conditioner too. Tryed the $1 store for 6 months and didn't like the way my hair was. Other than that, I'm generic all the way too.💜

  4. LuLuBell
    LuLuBell says:

    Must be brand name on Peanut Butter. And I get Kraft PB from my Canadian family when they come to visit. They drag in the biggest tub you could imagine that lasts me a year. Kraft PB not sold in The States but it’s the best PB you’ve ever tasted.

  5. Lynsey Winter
    Lynsey Winter says:

    In the uk 🇬🇧 if you go out to cafe etc tap water is free the can’t charge it’s illegal and can be pulled up on it if refused. Some places (pre Covid) would have a jug of water with small glasses if anyone needed.

  6. Heather Roberson
    Heather Roberson says:

    Infinity soap refills- 1 3/4 cups water, 1/4 cup soap. You’ll need a foaming soap pump, but your full strength soap lasts forever. I used to go through 2 bottles of body wash a month. Now I go through 1 about every other month.

  7. Hank and Rex
    Hank and Rex says:

    Agreed with name brand peanut butter but my brand is Laura scudder. Also rain barrels. For the price of 1-middle-of-the-hot-Texas-summer-water bill, you can collect enough water during each rain to help you water plants everyday without turning on the hose.

  8. Esther Bullock
    Esther Bullock says:

    Just a note. The bottom of your description says this video is not sponsored but in the first minute or so you state this video is sponsored by glasses…. Just a heads up.

  9. George Smith
    George Smith says:

    I use Mint Mobile for $15 per month, unlimited calls/text and 4GB data. I buy prescription glasses from Zenni optical for as little as $6.99. The key with all online sellers is to turn down upgrades offered by the vendors. I buy Vinegar by the gallon and water it down for cleaning applications. It is also good for your tossed salad. My smart thermostat senses when I am not at home and sets the thermostat to an economical setting. I use MagicJack for a home phone at about $3 per month. My firestick provides plenty of entertainment at no cost per month. Always ask for a discount at retail stores by pointing out minor defects in the product you are purchasing. Buy your gas at the warehouse stores to save lots. Always use cash back credit cards to increase the discounts on your purchases. Use coupons at the dollar store. Hang your clothes in the bathroom when you shower to remove wrinkles with the steam. Throw remnants of your bar soap in with your laundry. Throw a little vinegar in the bottom of dishwasher to enhance cleaning.

  10. Linda P
    Linda P says:

    October -May I keep my thermostat set for 68 degrees daytime I actually like a big pile of blankets when I sleep on a cold night. I don't let the temperature drop below 55 for my houseplants sake. May 1st I turn the furnace off completely. It rarely gets above 80 degrees here so even though I could turn on my AC I never do. MY TIP: Use a prepaid cell phone. $150 of minutes lasts me a whole year if I'm careful.


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