5 Ways To Keep Your Food Bill Below J$25,000 In Jamaica | Let’s Find Money To Invest! | ANNA NOVIA

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Did you know that one place I’m almost guaranteed to find money for my clients to invest is their grocery bill? Yup! We tend to …

32 replies
  1. Grace Buchanan
    Grace Buchanan says:

    Maybe 25K for a single person but for a family of 4 or more this could be 3 or 4 times more. Agree with shopping at the wholesale or meat shop as it is much cheaper than the supermarket. Fruits, vegetables and ground provisions can be expensive and wont last more than a week or 2.
    Food is expensive. Persons with small children this is even more. Don't know how persons living on the minium wage survive. As $5000 a week is just the grocery bill for a few items.

  2. Queen M TV
    Queen M TV says:

    You will be pleased to know that i pest my dad for two weeks now and finally got your book i don’t think my dad have seen mi this happy before😊😊😊😊😊😊😊

  3. Watson
    Watson says:

    Good points but still can see the $25000 lasting for a month at current prices in Ja… N I don’t do KFC, no Alcohol, no party. Just strictly food..

  4. Alley
    Alley says:

    I love that everything you mentioned I do them, my food bill is 20k as a single person. Wholesale, market and meat shop only. I don’t do brands apart from tissue cause it’s literally the same.

  5. Ester H
    Ester H says:

    I agree 100% with everything you've said. When I cut back on my spendings people call me mean and all sorts of things but I know my goal and the sacrifices I need to make in order to achieve them. I don't need to waste money neither do I have money to waste.
    Whenever I go in Hilo supermarket I mostly shop Hilo branded products because its way cheaper than Grace brand and Grace owns Hilo 🤷‍♀️

  6. Amanda De Freitas
    Amanda De Freitas says:

    All the things you've said in this video are very practicable and doable for a SINGLE person. I'm not from Jamaica but when I lived there as a student I did all the things in the video to save money. I guess I knew that I didn't have much to spend so was always conscious about making the money stretch. I always went to the market (the one close to Mona) to buy produce, went to shopper's fair to buy most of my goods, always cooked my own food, found a meat shop and bought in bulk (the difference in prices and at the supermarket for buying meat is CRAZY), lived relatively close to the supermarket so I would walk instead of a taxi (maybe not the safest idea) lol. There's so many little things you can do to stretch your money if you're really committed to it.


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