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43 replies
  1. TheBuddyCassius
    TheBuddyCassius says:

    If you’re going to cook seasoning and oil, just add the seasoning and then bring the oil to temp. Cut the heat when you can smell the fragrance. Usually, I will reserve a small fraction of the water from the Raman to moisturize the noodles and oil. I prefer a soft boiled egg versus a topper myself. Your carbonara method was absolutely horrendous. Carbonero relies on egg whites in the majority and some form of grease. This is usually provided by a pork meat. Just adding water to eggs won’t have the same flavor profile that you were looking for. Ultimately it would be creamy and meaty. Your milk thing is something born of either heavy cream or half-and-half, to produce a creamy tonkotsu. Feels like you were going for that before but this is just wrong. Near the end you got close to a good ramen bowl. It is still kind of ass.

  2. todoelmundoapesta
    todoelmundoapesta says:

    Putting the noodles after water boils makes them cook faster and have better consistency, if you let them sit in cool water first the noodle becomes swollen with water, the consistency becomes pasty and starchy as opposed to al dente

  3. TheRegart
    TheRegart says:

    No joke, I happened to come across this video when I was getting ready to make some ramen as a midnight snack. When I realized I had all the ingredients for the chili oil recipe (aside from having regular vingear instead of black vinegar), I had to try to it!
    It was fantastic! It's a 10/10 for me!

  4. darknight910
    darknight910 says:

    I find the cheesy noods works best with standard red hotdogs and American cheese. I appreciate the use of the hand torch and the cheese pull from the mozzarella, but when you have the perfect melting element of processed cheese, you don't even need to use milk for the broth.

  5. Cat Poke
    Cat Poke says:

    "You don't have to use expired milk if you don't like it"
    I actually do really like slightly expired milk. It gets a sort of… fruity smell? That's all I can really describe it as. And it's not sweet anymore so it works well for savory things or in cereals that are already really sugary. Not good for drinking on its own, though.

    By the way, if your milk is chunky or moldy, don't drink it. Only sour milk is okay- not actual rotten milk. Don't drink or eat rotten milk, people, seriously.

  6. Shen
    Shen says:

    I like to do mine like this:
    1 can Solid Tuna(I used Starkist solid yellowfin with roasted garlic)
    1 tsp peanut butter
    Shin Ramyun original
    (Optional) 1tsp Gochugaru, or red chili flake or red pepper powder of any kind like Cayenne
    Add the can of tuna, oil included into the pot, add the water and ramen seasonings to boil, add the noodles, and about 1 minute before it finishes, stir in the teaspoon of peanut butter, garnish with green onion and enjoy.


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