5 Things THAT HAPPENED WHEN I WENT VEGAN // Whole Food Plant-Based – Healthy Vegan DIet

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Today I am sharing with you 5 things that happened when I decided to eat a vegan, whole food plant based diet. There were so many positive changes that …

22 replies
  1. Michelle Guzman
    Michelle Guzman says:

    Hi Tia, as always thank you for your Monday videos. They are a great help, encouraging, motivating, & the more easier ideas I can get the better! I'm going into my 7 month WFPB and I feel the best than I ever had in my whole life. By the way love the "Healthy" but for me I still say Tia Hungry Vegan Mama 😆! You are truly a blessing 🙏❤

  2. VeganKia_ BodySlayFitness
    VeganKia_ BodySlayFitness says:

    I love when women don't shy away from telling their audience how their menstrual cycles(or female issues) have been influenced. So many of us have issues that need healing and sharing that info is so important. Men will survive and really there is no reason for them to feel like it's such an inconvenience to hear about for a few minutes …esp if they have have ppl they care about who happen to be women. Just my opinion. Thank you for sharing & being transparent. 😊

  3. C. Z.
    C. Z. says:

    My experience has been a little different. I was an ovo-lacto vegetarian for 50 years but last March 2021 I decided to do the WFPB vegan way of eating. I have never had any trouble with blood sugar levels or cholesterol or anything like that. Since starting WFPB I have noticed my hair thinning, it still looks shiny (although it's grey now!), but I seem to be loosing a lot of hair in the shower. Also I had my annual doctor check up in August expecting great numbers however my cholesterol level has gone up, still in the safe range, but that's a trend I don't want to see continue. Since March 2021 I have lost 10 pounds but that's all. Maybe my age is more of a factor, I will be 66 in two months. I do feel like my energy level has skyrocketed thought! Love that!

  4. Monika Kress
    Monika Kress says:

    you are so right about how easy it is to be whole food, plant based. even low fat. Food decisions are so easy now. does it come in a package with a list of ingredients? then dont eat it. I stopped the all-or-nothing thinking, stopped worrying about carbs and fat, and made the changes gradually. it has been so easy, and I found so many wonderful new foods. thank you so much for sharing your amazing story.

  5. Arakly
    Arakly says:

    I love the video that you did a few months age about how you were vegan but not losing weight that one really helped me with checking myself and stopped all the bs about why I was not losing weight

  6. Lisa Lowrey
    Lisa Lowrey says:

    The gallbladder thing is no joke. My issues started after the birth of my daughter. The first signs were yellowish skin and eyes. The urgent care doc I visited gave me a hepatitis test and sent me home because I had no pain. That weekend, I went into shock and spent a week in the hospital with pancreatitis. My gall bladder was removed when the pancreas stabilized. My daughter was 8 months old! As a side note, Tia, do you have a specific video outlining what got you to stick to a WFPB diet?

  7. Lissette Aliaga
    Lissette Aliaga says:

    Can you please talk about sugar? I'm struggling with all of this having two little ones that have now started school and sports activities… always on the go. Over the last couple years I've been wanting to go whole foods plant based but always fall back to animal protein and low carb. I'm starting up again now in another attempt to stick to it but sugar has become my way of dealing with the stress of it all. Did you have issues with this? I think cheese and eggs are the toughest for me to leave behind. Here's to giving it another go!! And Yes your skin does look amazing! It's the first thing I think when I see your videos:)

  8. Kefir Heals
    Kefir Heals says:

    Any time someone shares their victories from going plant-based, is really inspirational. I think it helps a lot of people. I know it helped me back when I was struggling to eat WFPB. And yes, we are our own worst enemy; and make it way harder than it needs to be. Very well done video. Thanks!

  9. Charity Pratt
    Charity Pratt says:

    I also noticed that when I stopped eating meat and dairy my cycles were more regular and my cramps were way less painful. My cholesterol dropped from 250 to 150 as well eating plant based and I noticed that my protein levels went up too!! I was finally free of digestive issues too!


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