5 Tasty Turkey Leftover Recipe Ideas To Make the Most of Thanksgiving

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Hello Food Wishers! Chef John’s Corporate Overlords here with 5 tasty turkey leftover recipe ideas to make the most of Thanksgiving! Don’t get bored with turkey …

21 replies
  1. OsakaRose
    OsakaRose says:

    Subbed your channel. Love your recipes but especially love your humor! The flautas and the tamale pie look fabulous! I definitely will use my leftovers for these 2 recipes! 🙂

  2. Patty Amato
    Patty Amato says:

    To heat tortillas, dampen a dishtowel, fold that around the tortillas and heat in the microwave. The heat of the microwave can change the composition of a plastic container or bag and add who knows what toxic substances into food.

  3. Beejay Swifter
    Beejay Swifter says:

    Turkey Enchiladas. Turkey Posole. I'm from California, what can I say? Try cheese grits over your turkey base in the tamale pie — it's more tamale like.

    BTW, I saw a Canadian movie the other night, and the lead actor sounded just like Chef John. If I closed my eyes, I could see him in the role. Kinda freaked me out. I can't remember the name of the movie, much less the actor, but if I do, I'll try to remember to come back and add them.


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